"A" Distinctive Resources

Distinctive Resources are defined as outstanding resources for architectural or historic reasons and potentially worthy of nomination to the National Register of  Historic Places.


"A" Historic Resources Inventory
Hint: To search this list, use CTRL + F
Site Address Historic Name Resource No.
Star Mill Way Flume Wall A90
City Park Grounds A266
Linfield College Campus Grounds A503.1
Linfield College Northup Library A543
Linfield College Melrose Hall A548
Linfield College Pioneer Hall A554
Linfield College Observatory A589
5th & Irvine Streets Old Power Plant A796
1004 NE 5th Street Grissen House A809
1034 NE Galloway Street --- A668
105 NE 3rd Street Samuel Cozine House A402
125 SE Cowls Street First Baptist Church A442
1330 NE Cowls Street Adams School A251
1420 NE 5th Street Newby-Cook House A1058
149 NW Park Drive --- A301
206 NE 10th Street Frank E. Rodgers House A237
221 SE Cowls Street Dr. J.H. Cook House A445
225 NW Adams Street Carnegie Library A400
230 NE 2nd Street Courtemanche House A441
230 SE Evans Street W.T. Newby House A849
238 NE 3rd Street Schilling Building A439
249 NW Star Mill Way I. Daniel House A110
250 NE 3rd Street McMinnville National Bank A440
251 NE 3rd Street Masonic Building A438
300 NE 3rd Street O.O. Hodson Building A450
306 SE Lincoln Street James Gibson House A446
310 NE 3rd Street --- A457
310 NE Evans Street Hotel Elberton A834
320 NE 3rd Street --- A457
322 SE 1st Street Wiesner House A459
347 NE 4th Street Oregon Mutual Building A378
3471 NE Grandhaven Drive --- A994
390 NE 2nd Street Presbyterian Church A467
406 NE 3rd Street Wright Building A476
411 NE 3rd Street Union Block A475
414 NE Evans Street Old Post Office A724
417 NW Adams Street Nelson/Walker-Manning House A317
428 NE 3rd Street Wright Building A476
434 NE Evans Street Frank Fenton House A723
436 NE Evans Street Frank Fenton House A723
436 SE Baker Street Dr. Northup House A513
501 NW Birch Street Andrew J. Nelson House A285
502 NE 3rd Street Cook's Hotel A835
505 SW Edmunston Street First Rhodes Hose A149
508 SE Washington Street W.W. Wright House A839
533 NE Davis Street O.O. Hodson House A377
535 NE Cowls Street --- A356
536 NE 5th Street Jack Spence Building A728
540 SE 1st Street Rev. Spencer House A853
549 NW Birch Street J.C. Compton House A282
605 SE 1st Street Peery-Macy House A868
608 NE 3rd Street Jameson Hardware A866
609 NE Cowls Street Apperson House A355
610 NE Cowls Street William Dielschneider House A360
624 SE 2nd Street Mulkey House A874
625 NE Cowls Street Emily Hamblin House A354
632 NE Cowls Street Roswell Conner House A359
638 NE 5th Street W.D. McDonald Jr. House A750
639 NW Birch Street Thomas Turner House A281
705 SW Birch Street Conrad Saylor House A280
707 NE 5th Street H.C. Burns House A763
726 NE 4th Street Estes House A889
736 NE Galloway Street --- A772
741 NE 3rd Street Southern Pacific Depot A893
768 SE Morgan Lane Hodge House A986
806 SE Hembree Street Hiram Rummel House A946
809 NE Evans Street Willams House A396
809 SW Blaine Street Rhodes House A150
905 SE Vine Street George Bodle House A958