Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Project Advisory Committees
Community volunteers play an important role in city government, staffing and overseeing key boards, commissions, and committees. If volunteering in this capacity is of interest, please fill out the following Application for Service on Board or Commission, also located at the bottom of this page.
To find out what ward you reside in here: Ward Boundaries Map | Interactive Ward Map
A brief introduction to the City's active boards, commissions, and committees are listed here - for more information about any of these groups, please contact call 503-435-5702.
Airport Commission (4 year term)
The Airport Commission meets on the first Tuesday of odd months at 6:30 p.m., in the McMinnville Civic Hall Building, located at 200 NE Second Street. The Commission is a seven-member (six public members and one City Council liaison member) City Council appointed body, that takes action and makes recommendations to the City Council on all necessary rules and regulations for the conduct, management, and operation of the Airport. Commissioners serve a four-year term of appointment.
Staff Contact: Airport Administrator, Willy Williamson
Audit Committee (no term limit)
The primary purpose the Audit Committee is to provide oversight of the City’s financial reporting and disclosure, the audit process, the system of internal controls, and compliance with laws and regulations. The Audit Committee consists of two City Councilors (appointed by the City Council) and one Budget Committee member (appointed by the Councilors on the Audit Committee). There is no term limit for Audit Committee members. The Audit Committee meets with the City’s financial statement auditors at least semiannually and more frequently, if needed.
Staff Contact: Finance Director
Budget Committee (3 year term)
The budget committee consists of the members of the City Council and an equal number of citizens at large. The citizens are appointed by the City Council and serve terms of three years. Terms are staggered so that about one-third of the appointed terms end each year.
Staff Contact: Finance Director
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee (4 year term)
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Committee advises the City Council and City staff on policy decisions related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The committee consists of seven members, an ex officio youth liaison, and an ex officio City Council liaison.
Staff Contact: Communications & Engagement Manager, Noelle Amaya
Downtown Safety Task Force (6 month term) - Inactive
The downtown safety task force was comprised of volunteer citizen members, city staff members and a City Council liaison and alternate Council liaison. Task force members were appointed by the City Council for a six month term. The task force's work was completed in 2018.
Staff Contact: Parks and Recreation Director Susan Muir and Police Chief Matt Scales
Economic Vitality Leadership Council (3 year term)
The McMinnville Economic Vitality Leadership Council was formed to serve in an advisory and guidance role to McMinnville economic development partners advancing the MAC Town 2032 Economic Development Strategic Plan.
Staff Contact: Community Development Director, Heather Richards
Historic Landmarks Committee (4 year term)
The Historic Landmarks Committee is a five-member City Council appointed body that reviews applications for alteration or destruction of historic landmarks within the City of McMinnville. Members serve a four-year term of appointment, and meet on an as-needed basis. The City Council makes every effort to appoint persons with experience in the field of historic preservation.
Staff Contact: Associate Planner, Matthew Deppe
Landscape Review Committee (3 year term)
The Landscape Review Committee is a five-member City Council appointed body that reviews all required landscape plans for the City of McMinnville. The Committee consists of three regular members and two alternate members who each serve a three-year term of appointment. The Committee meets on an as-needed basis.
Staff Contact: Senior Planner, Taylor Graybehl
This Committee will be assembled to assist the City of McMinnville as we examine the future of recreation facilities, library, programs and enrichments services for our community.
To view Phase 1 Final Report summarizing the McMinnville Parks and Recreation facilities project, please click here.
Staff Contact: Parks and Recreation Director Susan Muir
McMinnville Affordable Housing Committee (3 year term)
In September 2016, the City Council determined the best way to assist Citizens who are experiencing homelessness or who are on the verge of losing their current home was to increase housing availability for low and no-income families. To support this policy, the Council directed the formation of a 9 member Affordable Housing Task Force and charged them with the task of developing an action plan to meet this focus.
Staff Contact: Associate Housing Planner, Evan Hietpas
McMinnville Urban Renewal Advisory Committee (MURAC)
Appointed by the City Council, this seven member board is responsible for reviewing, advising, and making recommendations to the McMinnville Urban Renewal Board on matters pertaining to the adopted "McMinnville Urban Renewal Plan." Also serving on this committee are three non-voting, ex-officio members representing the McMinnville Downtown Association, McMinnville Water and Light, and McMinnville City Council. The committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the Community Development Center conference room.
Staff Contact: Community Development Director, Heather Richards
Planning Commission (4 year term)
The Planning Commission meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m., in the McMinnville Civic Hall Building, located at 200 NE Second Street. The Commission is a nine-member, City Council appointed body, that takes action and makes recommendations to the City Council on a variety of current and long-range land use matters. Membership on the Commission requires that a person must live in the ward they represent. Commissioners serve a four-year term of appointment.
Staff Contact: Community Development Director, Heather Richards