Urbanization Study Phase 1: Residential Buildable Lands Inventory, Housing Needs Analysis, and Housing Strategy


Link to adopted BLI and HNA


The City of McMinnville has initiated work to determine housing needs for the next 5, 10, 20, and 50 years, and to develop a strategy to meet those needs.  The project involves three major components:

Residential Buildable Land Inventory (BLI).  In Oregon, cities have Urban Growth Boundaries (UGBs) which must accommodate residential, employment, and other land needs for the next 20 years.  The Residential Buildable Land Inventory will identify how much land within the UGB is already developed and how much remains available to meet future housing needs.  

Housing Needs Analysis (HNA).  The Housing Needs Analysis will identify “what” the needs are.   It is based on an official population forecast, and it will identify the number and characteristics of households the city needs to plan for today and in future years.  Further, it will identify the different types and mix of housing to meet the needs for McMinnville’s households of different income levels.  Based on this information, it will identify how much land will be needed for different housing types.   It will compare the capacity of the current residential buildable land supply in the UGB to the identified residential land need to determine if current plans and policies will meet these needs.  If the needs won’t be met, the City must develop new plans and policies to meet the need - within the UGB, through a UGB expansion, or a combination of the two.  

Housing Strategy.  The Housing Strategy will identify “how” to address identified housing needs.  The Housing Strategy will establish policies to meet the identified needs in ways that will provide housing choice for McMinnville’s citizens, providing a livable community of great neighborhoods. 

We Want to Hear from You!

Your participation is important to us!  There will be opportunities throughout this project and associated projects for you to help shape the future of McMinnville.  Information is provided below to help you stay informed and participate.   

February 5, 2019 Public Open House

Please also be sure to check out the McMinnville Matters blog and follow us on social media to learn about upcoming events. 

McMinnville Matters

Project Timeline

Work on the project is to be completed by May, 2019.  The timeline below provides an overview of the general timing and coordination of work on major tasks, Project Advisory Committee meetings, and Public Open Houses.

This timeline is flexible and subject to change as work progresses to ensure effective public engagement.  Please watch for announcements about final meeting dates as they are scheduled.

Additional public engagement activities, such as focus group meetings, will be scheduled based on availability of participants, and they are not shown on the timeline.

(click on the image below for a higher resolution pdf)

Project Materials

Reference materials, the latest draft documents, and informational materials from meetings are available here.  

Project Coordination

Work on this project is scheduled to occur in coordination with the Great Neighborhood Principles project.  That project is scheduled for completion to coincide with the start of work on the Housing Strategy.  This will inform how to best address housing needs by planning for a livable community of great neighborhoods.  This project is underway now.   

Project Advisory Committee

The Project Advisory Committee includes a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) and a Technical Advisory Committee (CAC).   This committee is comprised of community members who meet regularly, providing diverse perspectives throughout the project as work on each task occurs.  They also provide guidance on broader public involvement efforts to seek and consider your input as they prepare to make recommendations at key decision points.  There will be opportunities such as public open houses where you can learn about the issues and provide your input.  The Project Advisory Committee provides recommendations which will be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council.  

                                                           Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC)
Planning Commission Susan Dirks
Zack Geary
Roger Hall
Roger Lizut
City Council Scott Hill (Mayor) Kellie Menke
Sal Peralta
Partner/Stakeholder Andrew Burton
Mark Davis
Sid Friedman
Danielle Hoffman
Real Estate Beth Caster  
Length of Time: (2 years or Less) Michael Jester  
Length of Time: (2-10 years) Robert Banagay Amanda Perron
Length of Time: (10 years plus) Matt Deppe Marilyn Worrix
Lives in UGB Brad Bassitt  
Lives in 1/2 Mile Radius Patty O'Leary  
                                                                Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Planning Staff                                           Chuck Darnell
Jamie Fleckenstein
Heather Richards    
Tom Schauer
Engineering Staff Mike Bisset  
Other City Staff Susan Muir  
Yamhill County Planning Ken Friday  
DLCD Angela Carnahan Kevin Young

Any other questions? Contact the lead staff person:

Tom Schauer, Senior Planner