Community Center / Centro Comunitario

The McMinnville Community Center is home to many activities for the whole family! Choose one
of the buttons below to find more information about classes and programs, drop-in activities, and rental information.
Update: Our elevator is out of service until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience.
¡El Centro Comunitario de McMinnville alberga muchas actividades para toda la familia!
Elige uno de los botones a continuación para encontrar más información sobre clases y programas, actividades sin cita previa e información de alquiler. Horario Semanal
Actualizaciones: Nuestro elevador está fuera de servicio hasta nuevo aviso. Pedimos disculpas por los inconvenientes.

Culture Parks and Recreation Bond
The City is considering seeking voter approval of a capital bond that would expand access to health and exercise opportunities for people of all ages and abilities, increase options to safely recreate outside, and add spaces for residents to gather and learn in safe and fun environments.