City Center Housing Strategy
Project Overview
The City of McMinnville has initiated work to complete a City Center Housing Strategy to provide guidance and recommendations on how the City can achieve its goals of providing housing opportunities for a broad range of generations and incomes in the City’s downtown core and surrounding areas. The purpose of the City Center Housing Strategy is to provide recommendations and actions for how the City can further encourage infill and higher density housing in the city center area where utilities and services are available to support this type of housing, all while still maintaining the city center area’s quality of life and complementing its unique sense of place.
The specific tasks that were completed during the development of the City Center Housing Strategy include:
- Identify desired housing types appropriate to the city center context that meet needs across the income spectrum.
- Evaluate existing development code and policy documents to determine barriers to housing.
- Analyze existing housing market conditions and development forecast including market conditions, housing stock, property values, and development costs to evaluate opportunities for city center housing.
- Formulate two pilot projects on specific opportunity sites that could serve as catalysts for continuing the revitalization of downtown, including side streets and the NE Gateway District.
- Synthesize findings into a creative and straightforward implementation strategy and Action Plan.
- Create design and development standards to encourage desired housing types and ensure housing in the city center is compatible with existing character.
Project Timeline
Project Advisory Committee Meeting – May 22, 2019 – 4:00 PM
Project Advisory Committee Meeting – September 4, 2019 – 3:00 PM
Project Advisory Committee Meeting – December 4, 2019 – 3:00 PM
Project Advisory Committee Meeting – May 6, 2020 – 3:00 PM
Project Documents
City Council Resolution 2021-27
CCHS Final Report
CCHS Final Report - Appendix A
CCHS Final Report – Appendix B
CCHS Final Report – Appendix C
CCHS Final Report – Appendix E
CCHS Final Report – Appendix F
Any Questions? Contact the lead staff person:
Chuck Darnell, Senior Planner