Fox Ridge Road Area Plan Project (G 1-22)

Recent Actions
On February 27, 2024, the City Council held a meeting to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission and adoption of Ordinance No. 5142, (Docket G 1-22), an ordinance adopting the Fox Ridge Road Area Plan and its Appendices as a Supplemental Document to the McMinnville Comprehensive Plan.
The City Council adopted the ordinance.
The meeting materials are available on the February 27 City Council meeting page.
In addition, the adopted ordinance will be posted here.
Ordinance No. 5142: Adopted Fox Ridge Road Area Plan, Adopted February 27, 2024
The notice of decision is available here.
Full Plan Document with Appendices:
Draft Fox Ridge Road Area Plan (with Appendices), February 2024
En español:
Plan del área de Fox Ridge Road, Febrero 2024
Planning Commission Public Hearing:
On January 4, 2024, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of the proposed plan, with minor revisions to the December 2023 draft. The December Draft Documents are provided below. The February 2024 draft being considered by the City Council on February 21, 2024 incorporates the recommendations of the Planning Commission. (See above).
Full Plan Document with Appendices:
Draft Fox Ridge Road Area Plan (with Appendices), December 2023
Separate Documents:
Draft Fox Ridge Road Area Plan (without Appendices), December 2023
Appendix A: Document Review and Existing Conditions Report
Appendix B: Online Survey Summary Results
Appendix C: Community Survey Summary Results
Appendix D: PAC Meeting Summaries
Appendix E: Market Analysis
Appendix F: Traffic Analysis
Fox Ridge Road
The Fox Ridge Road location is one of six areas that are identified for the future development of McMinnville. This study area is approximately 230 acres located west of Hill Road. It includes property along part of Fox Ridge Road and part of Hill Road near the roundabout at Hill Road and Wallace Road.
This project will construct a future area plan for the Fox Ridge Road area of the city’s urban growth boundary, with a focus on housing, parkland, connectivity, and a Neighborhood Activity Center.
Recently, the City of McMinnville amended its urban growth boundary (UGB) by adopting the McMinnville Growth Management and Urbanization Plan (MGMUP, MGMUP 2003 UGB Remand Project | McMinnville Oregon) (Ordinance No. 5098, December 8, 2020). The MGMUP amended McMinnville’s UGB by 924 gross buildable acres. Most of this acreage was placed into an Urban Holding (UH) comprehensive plan designation.
All land within a UH comprehensive plan designation needs to undergo an area planning process prior to annexation into the city limits, rezoning and development. Area planning can be initiated by the City or by private property owners.
On August 23, 2022, City Council approved the resolution, awarding a consulting contract to HHPR - Approved Scope of Work
The Proposed Vision
The Fox Ridge Road Area Plan will primarily be housing. However, the Fox Ridge Road Area Plan will include a significant land use within the site that is owned by the McMinnville School District and identified for the development of a future high school. The high school site will be within the northern portion of the Fox Ridge Road Area Plan.
The Fox Ridge Road Area Plan should also provide an opportunity for a partial or half of a Neighborhood Activity Center (NAC) along the area’s Hill Road frontage between the Wallace Road roundabout and the intersection of Fox Ridge Road. This modified and reduced NAC should be approximately 5-10 acres, with approximately 1-2 acres of neighborhood serving commercial and office development, approximately 2 acres of high-density residential housing, and approximately 2-5 acres of medium density residential housing. The remainder of the residential land within Fox Ridge Road Area Plan will likely be suitable for lower density residential housing, where the lands begin to exhibit steeper slopes within the southern and western portions of the Fox Ridge Road area.
The Fox Ridge Road Area Plan should incorporate one neighborhood park of approximately 3-5 acres in size. The neighborhood park should be placed to ensure that every residence is within a ½ mile of a neighborhood park, and due to slopes, should likely be placed in the northern portion of the area.
Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meetings
PAC Meeting #1
When: Thursday, December 1, 2022, 6:30-8:00pm
Where: McMinnville Police Department Training Room, 121 SW Adams St.
Meeting Material
PAC Meeting #2
When: Thursday, May 10, 2023, 6:30-8:00pm
Where: McMinnville Police Department Training Room, 121 SW Adams St.
Meeting Material
PAC Meeting #3
When: Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 6:30-8:00pm
Where: McMinnville Police Department Training Room, 121 SW Adams St.
Meeting Material
PAC Meeting #4
When: Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 6:30-8:00pm
Where: McMinnville Police Department Training Room, 121 SW Adams St.
Meeting Agenda
PAC Meeting #5
When: Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 6:30-8:00pm
Where: McMinnville Police Department Training Room, 121 SW Adams St.
Meeting Material
PAC Meeting #6
When: Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 6:30-8:00pm,
Where: McMinnville Police Department Training Room, 121 SW Adams St.
Meeting Material
Community Design Workshops
Community Design Workshop # 1
When: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 6:00pm
Where: Kent Taylor Civic Hall, 200 NE 2nd St, McMinnville, OR 97128
This event was an in-person, hands on workshop open to the public, where citizens had a chance to share their ideas to help guide the City on where to place future residential neighborhoods, commercial and office areas, and a Neighborhood Activity Center.
Community Design Workshop # 2
When: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 6:00pm
Where: Kent Taylor Civic Hall, 200 NE 2nd St, McMinnville, OR 97128
This event was an in-person, hands on workshop open to the public, where citizens had a chance to share their ideas to help guide the City on where to place parks, recreation, trails, and open space.
Community Survey - (Closed April 10, 2023)
Planning Commission Meetings
Planning Commission Work Session - Thursday, May 4, 2023
Joint City Council/Planning Commission Work Session - Tuesday, October 10, 2023
For any further questions regarding the Fox Ridge Road Area Planning Project, feel free to reach out to the Senior Planner, Tom Schauer, directly at or (503) 474-5108.