Project Advisory Committees


We have several long-range planning efforts that will get underway over the next six months, all of which will have a Project Advisory Committee comprised of community members, who will meet and work with staff and the consultant team assigned to the project.

We're looking for a wide range of community representation - that means:

  • McMinnville residents - this one is easy, you simply have to live here to qualify!
  • Property and/or business owners
  • Youth (under 18)
  • Millennials
  • Parents with children currently in school
  • Retirees
  • Latinos/Latinas
  • People with disabilities

Look out for future Proejct Advisory Committee openings to get involved! 


Transportation System Plan Update

Project Description: This project will update the city’s Transportation System Plan, including transportation infrastructure for cars, bicycles, scooters, walkers, etc. We will be planning for a population of approximately 45,000 people, evaluating roads for vehicular movements, but also planning more off-road infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists to encourage people to get around town in something other than a vehicle. If you like to dream about alternative ways for people to move around the community or are concerned about future congestion and want to be part of the solution, or simply like the engineering aspect of this type of infrastructure planning this committee is for you.

Timeline: This project will kick off in January 2025, and will last approximately 24 months, with a meeting every month or two for about two hours.

Southwest Area Plan

Project Description: This project will develop a future area plan for the Southwest Area of the city’s urban growth boundary (south of Redmond Hill Road and west of Hill Road), with a focus on housing, parkland, connectivity, and a Neighborhood Activity Center. It is a great opportunity to get involved in developing the vision for a future growth area of McMinnville and then putting together a plan to support that vision.

Timeline: This project will kick off in Winter 2025, and will last approximately 18 months, with a meeting every month or two for about two hours.

Downtown Master Plan Update

Project Description: This project will update McMinnville’s Downtown Master Plan identifying how the streets adjacent to Third Street and Alpine Avenue will grow and develop to serve a future McMinnville community in twenty years, with a focus on housing, commercial development, parking, design standards, urban gathering spaces and public improvements needed.

Timeline: This project will kick off in Winter 2025, and will last approximately 24 months, with a meeting every month or two for about two hours.