Frequently Asked Questions - Planning
Generally, the answer would be yes, as long as the addition does not encroach into any required setbacks or extend more than 35 feet in height, and that all other required building code requirements are met. In the multi-family zones (R-4 and R-5), that height limit is 60 feet. You are encouraged to contact the McMinnville Building Division for further information regarding such plans.
The keeping of certain animals in McMinnville is regulated, in part, by Section 8.10.130 of the McMinnville Municipal Code. Under certain circumstances, it is permitted to keep chickens, rabbits, horses, goats, and/or other livestock. It is not permissible, however, to keep exotic, dangerous, or wild animals as determined by the Yamhill County Animal Control Office and the City Planning Department.
No. The City of McMinnville does not require a business license at this time.
Yes. Businesses operated, or based, from home are required to obtain a Home Occupation Permit from the Planning Department. An application form for this permit is available on our Applications & Fees page or can be printed out at our office. This permit must be renewed yearly with the Planning Department. Further information regarding Home Occupation Permits and the conditions under which they must operate are found in Chapter 17.67 of the McMinnville Zoning Ordinance.
If your property is located in the residential zone, yes, a permit is required. In residential zones, a short-term rental (STR) cannot be located within 500 feet of another short-term rental, or on the same property as another short-term rental. To find out what zone you are located in, check out our interactive map or reach out to our office. And to find out if your property is eligible to become a short-term rental, check out our current STR map or contact our office. If eligible, the application and corresponding fees can be found on our Applications & Fees page. If your house is located in commercial zones C-2 or C-3, short-term rentals are a permitted use under lodging (hotels and motels) and do not require a permit with the City.
First, obtain a copy of your property's legal description (if you don't have a copy, you may be able to get this from the Yamhill County Assessor's office located in the Yamhill County Courthouse at NE 5th and Evans Streets), or copy of the plat map for your subdivision. Using this information, try to locate your property pins - iron rods inserted into the ground in each corner of your property (you may need to use a metal detector to find them). Stringing a line (or laying a garden hose) between those pins will give you a fairly accurate idea of where your property lines are.
You may also want to hire a surveyor to determine your property corners and property lines
The easiest way to find out your property's zoning is to either check the online interactive map or reach out to the Planning Department directly.
Temporary Storage Structures (like PODs):
- These are allowed in your yard for up to 10 days each year.
- If you have a construction trailer (typically for the construction of a home, subdivision, commercial or industrial site), it must be removed within 2 weeks after finishing the project (issuance of final certificate of occupancy).
Setbacks are required minimum distances between a building and the related front, side, exterior side (the street side of a corner lot), or rear property line. These distances determine how far construction must be set back from the property line. Setbacks for your particular property may be determined by reaching out to the Planning Department or stopping by the office at 231 NE Fifth Street.
Fencing can be placed up to the property line. In a front yard, fences can be no taller than three (3) feet in height. A fence exceeding this height must conform with front yard setbacks of that zone or must be setback to the front building line. Fences in interior side yards and rear yards may be no taller than seven (7) feet in height. In an exterior side yard (the street side of a corner lot), a fence can be no taller than three (3) feet, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Department. This information can be found under Chapter 8.10.210 of the McMinnville Municipal Code. Additionally, private covenants may exist for your particular subdivision that would otherwise limit a fence's height or location. You are encouraged to research these documents prior to starting construction of any fence.
What Is an Accessory Structure? An accessory structure is a structure that is smaller than and separate from your house. It is used for storage or other non-business or living (non-habitable) purposes. Some examples are:
- Sheds
- Greenhouses
- Detached Garage
- Detached unenclosed covered patio
- Detached deck with a roof
Where Can You Put the Building?
- Small buildings (less than 200 square feet and under 10 feet tall) don’t need to meet distance rules (setbacks) from your property lines when behind the furthest part of your house from the street (back building line) unless stated otherwise.
- Big buildings (more than 200 square feet or taller than 10 feet) must follow setback rules about how far they have to be from your property lines.
- If you put a building within 6 feet of your house, it must follow fire safety rules.
Specific Rules for Some Structures:
- Detached or attached covered patios and decks: These can be placed in your backyard but must be at least 10 feet away from the rear property line. The patio or deck roof can extend an extra 2 feet into this area.
- Detached or attached uncovered decks: These can be in the backyard or side yard, but they must be at least 5 feet away from property lines.
- Play Structures: These can go in the backyard or side yard, but if they are over 6 feet tall, they need to be at least 5 feet away from property lines.
Before You Build: Check with your local building division (503) 434-7314 and planning division (503-434-7311) to make sure your building is allowed. They’ll also help you make sure it follows all the rules.
If You Need a Permit: If you do need a permit, you will need to apply using our ePermitting software. Please visit here to create an account and provide the following information
The property owner is responsible for maintaining the trees located in public right-of-way in front of their property, also known as street trees. This maintenance includes watering, weeding, pruning, and replacement. The property owner can prune street trees up to 20% without a permit from the City. Any major pruning (over 20%) or removal would require a permit. An application form for this permit is available on our Applications & Fees page or can be printed out at our office. If you need help determining if a tree is considered a street tree, contact the Planning Department and we can assist. More information regarding street trees can be found in Chapter 17.58 of the McMinnville Zoning Ordinance.
How to Maintain Street Trees:
- Watering and Weeding: Regularly water and weed around the tree to keep it healthy.
- Pruning: As the tree grows, you need to prune it for safety:
- At least 8 feet above sidewalks.
- At least 13 feet above local streets.
- At least 15 feet above collector streets.
- At least 18 feet above arterial streets.
- Replacement: If a tree needs to be replaced, make sure to plant a new one.
By following these guidelines, you help keep our streets safe and beautiful!
- Applications & Fees
- Community Development Center Staff Contact Information
- Code Compliance & Community Relations
- Committees & Meetings
- Planning Projects Underway
- City Initiated Projects
- G 7-24 - Update to Water System Element of Public Facility Plan
- G3-24, G4-24 Housing Production Strategy (HPS)
- Transitional Housing (G 6-24)
- Natural Hazards
- G 1-23 - Short-Term Rental Standards Amendment
- G 2-22 - Short-Term Rental Re-Evaluation
- G 1-22 - Fox Ridge Road Area Plan Project
- G 7-21 - Three Mile Lane Area Plan (3MLAP) Comprehensive Plan Amendment
- G 5-21 - Yamhill County Transit Area (YCTA)/Transit Development Plan (TDP)
- G 4-21 - McMinnville OR 99W Active Transportation Concept Plan
- G 3-21 - Annexation Requirements & Procedures
- G 2-21 - City Center Housing Overlay & Nonconforming Dwellings in C-3
- G 1-21 - McMinnville Municipal Code - Chapter 17
- Shaping Up: Missing Middle Housing & Residential Design Standards
- City Center Housing Strategy
- Growing McMinnville Mindfully
- Urbanization Study Phase 1: Residential Buildable Lands Inventory, Housing Needs Analysis, and Housing Strategy
- Urbanization Study Phase 2: Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) Update and Urbanization Report
- Great Neighborhood Principles
- 2020 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2019 Comprehensive Plan (Goals & Policies) and/or Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments
- 2018 Comprehensive Plan (Goals & Policies) and/or Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments
- 2017 Comprehensive Plan (Goals & Policies) and/or Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments
- G 9-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Chapter 17.72
- G 8-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Chapter 17.62
- G 6-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Chapter 17.12
- G 5-17 - Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments - Chapter X (Citizen Involvement)
- G 4-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Chapter 17.55
- G 3-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Chapters 17.59, 17.65, and 17.72
- G 2-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Chapter 17.53
- G 1-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Chapters 17.57 and 17.58
- Development Projects
- Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment
- 2024 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- 2023 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- 2020 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- 2019 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- 2018 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- Planned Development Amendment (PDA 6-18)
- Planned Development Amendment (PDA 3-18/PDA 4-18) & Subdivision (S 3-18)
- Planned Development Amendment (PDA 2-18) (Ordinance 4990) & Subdivision (S 2-18)
- Planned Development Amendment (ZC 3-18) - Ordinance 5021
- Planned Development Amendment (ZC 2-18) - Ordinance 5021
- 2017 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- Appeals
- Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2024 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2022 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2021 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2020 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2019 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- Zone Change (ZC 4-19) and Conditional Use Permit (CU 4-19) - 1945 NW 2nd Street
- Zone Change (ZC 3-19) and Subdivision (S 2-19) - R4409DC01100
- Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Zone Change/Planned Development Amendment/Conditional Use (CPA 2-19/ZC 2-19/PDA 1-19/CU 2-19) - 1901 NW Baker Creek Road
- Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Zone Change/Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment/Subdivision/Landscape (CPA 1-19/ZC 1-19/PD 1-19/PDA 2-19/S 1-19/L 12-19) - 1755 NW Baker Creek Road
- 2018 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2017 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- Subdivision Applications
- Conditional Use Permit Applications
- Variance Applications
- Minor Partition Applications
- Minor Partition (MP 5-20) - 2185 & 2191 NW 2nd Street
- Minor Partition (MP 3-21) - 902 & 988 NW Baker Crest Court
- Minor Partition (MP 2-21) - 2755 NE Highway 99W
- Minor Partition (1-21) - 1206 NE 10th Avenue
- 2020 Minor Partition Applications
- 2019 Minor Partition Applications
- 2018 Minor Partition Applications
- 2017 Minor Partition Applications
- Minor Partition (MP 8-17) - 1301 NW Michelboook Lane
- Minor Partition (MP 7-17) - 1730 SW 2nd Street
- Minor Partition (MP 6-17) - 2880 NE Lafayette Avenue
- Minor Partition (MP 5-17) - Baker Creek East
- Minor Partition (MP 4-17) - NE Miller Street/NE Riverside Drive
- Minor Partition (MP 3-17) - 1600 NE McDonald Lane
- Minor Partition (MP 2-17) - 802 & 804 SE Davis Street
- Minor Partition (MP 1-17) - 2950 NE Hembree Street
- Administrative Variance Applications
- Historic Landmarks Applications
- Gwendolyn Hotel (HL 6-22, HL 7-22, HL 8-22, and DDR 2-22) - 609, 611 and 619 NE Third Street
- Certificate of Approval for Alteration (HL 4-21) - 300, 303, 406, & 546 NE 3rd Street
- Certificate of Approval Demolition (HL 2-21) -415/423 SE College Avenue
- Certificate of Approval Demolition (HL 1-21) - 900 SW Baker Street "Mac" Hall
- 2020 Historic Landmarks Applications
- Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 7-20) - 608 NE 3rd Street
- Certificate of Approval Demolition (HL 6-20) -826 SW Gilson Street
- Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 5-20) - 225 NW Adams Street
- Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 4-20) - 806 SE Davis Street
- Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 3-20) - 835 NW Birch Street
- Certificate of Approval Demolition (HL 2-20)
- Historic Resource Inventory Amendment (HL 1-20) - 404 NE Irvine Street
- Historic Landmarks Committee Meeting
- 2019 Historic Landmarks Applications
- 2018 Historic Landmarks Applications
- Downtown Design Review/Waiver Applications
- Three Mile Lane Development Review
- Recent Decisions
- Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment
- City Initiated Projects
- Long Range Planning Projects
- Economic Development
- Frequently Asked Questions - Planning
- Informational Brochures
- Historic Preservation
- Uncover: McMinnville Historic Preservation
- Pioneer Hall, Linfield University, Built 1883
- Samuel Cozine House: Home of McMinnville Downtown Association
- McMinnville Public Library, Carnegie Library
- Schilling Building, (Boss Saloon), Built prior to 1884
- The Oregon Hotel, Hotel Elberton, McMenamins Oregon Hotel, Built 1905
- United Presbyterian, First Presbyterian Church, Built 1897, updated 1909
- McMinnville, Southern Pacific Train Depot, Built 1913
- Old City Powerplant, Built 1926-1927
- First Baptist Church, Built 1926
- Wright Building, Built 1893
- McMinnville City Hall, Built post 1928
- McMinnville Bank, Built 1885
- City Park, Est. 1908
- Star Mill Way, Built 1882
- Malone Cemetery
- Buchanan Cellars - Built 1888
- Mac Market - Built 1929
- Knights of Pythias Building - Built 1886
- Cooks Hotel/Mack Theater
- Linfield Observatory - Built 1894
- Grissen House - Built 1889
- Frank E Rodgers House
- 535 NE Cowls St - Built 1912
- Chinese Laundry - Dates Unknown
- Shadden House - Built 1859
- Dielschneider House 610 NE Cowls St – Built 1900
- Hodson House - Built 1895
- Masonic Building - Built 1913
- 135 NE Irvine St – Built 1895
- Newby-Cook House - Built 1879
- Uncover: McMinnville Historic Preservation
- Plans & Ordinances
- Urban Renewal
- Zoning & Maps
Contact Information
Community Development Director:
Heather Richards
Planning Phone: 503-434-7311
Planning Email
Community Development Department
Community Development Center
231 NE Fifth Street
McMinnville, OR 97128
Monday-Friday - 8am - 5pm
Lobby Hours - 12pm - 5pm