Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment & Zone Change (CPA 1-20/ZC 1-20)
Application: Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment & Zone Change (CPA 1-20/ZC 1-20)
An application for a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Residential to Commercial and a Zone Change from County EF-80 to City C-3 (General Commercial) for approximately 1.2 acres of a 50.15-acre property. The 50.15 acre parcel is within McMinnville’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), and it is split by City limits, with approximately 9.5 acres inside City limits and approximately 40.5 acres outside City limits. The proposed map amendment would apply to the northerly 1.2-acre portion of the 9.5 acres within City limits.
The 9.5-acre portion of the property inside City limits has a combination of Comprehensive Plan Map and zoning designations: Commercial/C-3 on the front (approximately 7.3 acres), Residential/County EF-80 on the rear (approximately 1.2 acres), and a portion of Floodplain/F-P along the east and north boundaries (approximately 1 acre). The proposed amendment would change the 1.2 acres from Residential/County EF-80 to Commercial/C-3, so all of the non-floodplain portion inside City limits would then be Commercial/C-3.
The unincorporated portion of the property within the UGB and outside City limits is approximately 40.5 acres. It is within the Floodplain Comprehensive Plan Map designation. It has County EF-80 zoning, with the entirety being within the County’s Flood Hazard Overlays. The proposal would not change the Comprehensive Plan designation or zoning of this unincorporated portion of the parcel.
Final Decision Consideration:
City Council:
Civic Hall Building, 200 NE 2nd Street: 7:00 pm
Public Hearing Review:
Planning Commission: April 21, 2022
Zoom Meeting 6:30 pm
Applicant: Cascade Steel Rolling Mills c/o Jennifer Hudson on behalf of property owner White Top Properties LLC
Map & Tax Lot(s): Part of R4410 01500
Current Comprehensive Plan: Residential
Proposed Comprehensive Plan: Commercial
Current Zone(s): County EF-80
Proposed Zone(s): C-3 (General Commercial)