2023 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications

Dunn Place Townhomes Site Plan
The Dunn Place Subdivision & Townhomes includes three applications: Tentative Subdivision (S 1-23), Planned Development Amendment (PDA 1-23), and Three Mile Lane Review (TML 5-23)


Dunn Place Subdivision & Townhomes 

The applicant is requesting concurrent review and approval of three applications for the Dunn Place 21-Lot Subdivision and Townhouse Development.

Norton Landing Apartments Site Plan
The Norton Landing Apartments Project includes four applications: Planned Development Amendment (PDA 5-23), Three Mile Lane Review (TML 4-23), Administrative Variance (VR 3-23), and Landscape Plan Review (L 38-23)


Norton Landing Apartments

The applicant is requesting concurrent review and approval of four applications for the Norton Landing Apartments 138-unit multi-dwelling development located in seven three-story buildings on a 4.93 acre vacant site.

Perspective View of Mixed-Use Buildings 1&2 and Plaza - Looking Northwest from Baker Creek Road
  Baker Creek North Commercial

The applicant, Baker Creek 2, LLC, c/o Mark DeLapp, is requesting review and approval of a Planned Development Amendment for a mixed-use development on a 6.63-acre property located at the NE corner of Baker Creek Road and Hill Road. The application includes a request to amend provisions of Planned Development Ordinance #5086 and to approve the proposed master plan for the property.

Image of proposed Stratus Village
The Stratus Village Project includes three applications: Planned Development Amendment (PDA 2-23), Three Mile Lane Review (TML 1-23), and Landscape Plan Review (L 25-23)   Stratus Village