PDA 1-24 Hillcrest Planned Development Amendment and S 3-24 Subdivision Tentative Plan Amendment

PDA 1-24 Map

Hillcrest Planned Development Amendment PDA 1-24 and Subdivision Tentative Plan Amendment  S 3-24

The applicant, Holt Homes, Inc. c/o the applicant's consultant Zach Pelz, AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC, is requesting approval of a Planned Development Amendment (PDA 1-24) to the current Planned Development approval applicable to the property for the remaining undeveloped phases and a an amendment to the corresponding subdivision tentative plan (S 3-24). (See maps). 

PDA 1-24.  Principal elements of the proposed amendment include requests to:  reconfigure the street layout, change the number of remaining residential lots from 394 to 392, provide tracts for open space and recreation and pedestrian connections (approximately 13 acres) and stormwater management (approximately 1.6 acres), modify phasing boundaries, and request modifications to certain development standards, including reduced setbacks, lot size averaging with average lot size of 7,960 sf and minimum lot size of 5,000 sf, and flexibility to street/alley standards for frontage for three lots, and request to remove all trees as necessary to accommodate the proposed development plan.

S 3-24.  Corresponding amendment to the subdivision tentative plan consistent with the requested Planned Development Amendment. 

Applicant:  Holt Homes, Inc. c/o the applicant's consultant Zach Pelz, AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC

Site Location:  No Site Address (Undeveloped).  See map.  The site is approximately 106 acres, including the general area between the westerly ends of SW 2nd Street and NW Horizon Drive and extending to the northwest. 

Map & Tax Lot:  R4524 00801

Current Zone:  R-2 PD (Low Density 7000sf Lot Size Residential, with a Planned Development Overlay)