Comprehensive Plan Amendment/ Zone Change (CPA 1-24, ZC 4-24) - 2320 SE Stratus Avenue

Aerial Vicinity Map of Subject Property










Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change application - CPA 1-24 / ZC 4-24 - located at 2320 SE Stratus Avenue (Tax Lots 442700600 & 442700604)


City staff leading the review - Evan Hietpas, Associate Housing Planner
The application requests the approval of a concurrent approval of a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Zone Change from Industrial to Residential. The subject parcels are currently designated Industrial on the McMinnville Comprehensive Plan Map and are designated M-1 on the Zoning Map. The request, if approved, would designate the property Residential on the Comprehensive Plan Map and R-4 (Medium, High-Density Residential) on the Zoning Map.