Downtown Design Review (DDR 1-19) - 1025 NE 1st Street
Application: Downtown Design Review (DDR 1-19)
Jonathan and Robin Rouse, on behalf of RJED, Corp. are requesting approval of the exterior design of a new apartment building to be constructed on the property. The applicant is proposing to construct a 16 unit apartment building that would front on and span the entire block of 1st Street between Johnson Street and Kirby Street. The subject site is zoned C-3 (General Commercial) and is located at 1025 NE 1st Street and is more specifically described as Tax Lot 7900, Section 21BD, T.4 S., R.4 W., W.M.
Public Meeting:
Historic Landmarks Committee: February 27, 2019
Community Development Center, 231 NE 5th Street 3:00 pm
Applicant: Jonathan & Robin Rouse
Map & Tax Lot(s): R4421BD07900
Current Zone(s): C-3 (General Commercial)
Proposal: Design Review for New Multi-Family Development
Supporting Documents

- Applications & Fees
- Community Development Center Staff Contact Information
- Code Compliance & Community Relations
- Committees & Meetings
- Planning Projects Underway
- City Initiated Projects
- G 7-24 - Update to Water System Element of Public Facility Plan
- G3-24, G4-24 Housing Production Strategy (HPS)
- Transitional Housing (G 6-24)
- Natural Hazards
- G 1-23 - Short-Term Rental Standards Amendment
- G 2-22 - Short-Term Rental Re-Evaluation
- G 1-22 - Fox Ridge Road Area Plan Project
- G 7-21 - Three Mile Lane Area Plan (3MLAP) Comprehensive Plan Amendment
- G 5-21 - Yamhill County Transit Area (YCTA)/Transit Development Plan (TDP)
- G 4-21 - McMinnville OR 99W Active Transportation Concept Plan
- G 3-21 - Annexation Requirements & Procedures
- G 2-21 - City Center Housing Overlay & Nonconforming Dwellings in C-3
- G 1-21 - McMinnville Municipal Code - Chapter 17
- Shaping Up: Missing Middle Housing & Residential Design Standards
- City Center Housing Strategy
- Growing McMinnville Mindfully
- Urbanization Study Phase 1: Residential Buildable Lands Inventory, Housing Needs Analysis, and Housing Strategy
- Urbanization Study Phase 2: Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) Update and Urbanization Report
- Great Neighborhood Principles
- 2020 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2019 Comprehensive Plan (Goals & Policies) and/or Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments
- 2018 Comprehensive Plan (Goals & Policies) and/or Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments
- 2017 Comprehensive Plan (Goals & Policies) and/or Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments
- G 9-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Chapter 17.72
- G 8-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Chapter 17.62
- G 6-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Chapter 17.12
- G 5-17 - Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments - Chapter X (Citizen Involvement)
- G 4-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Chapter 17.55
- G 3-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Chapters 17.59, 17.65, and 17.72
- G 2-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Chapter 17.53
- G 1-17 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Chapters 17.57 and 17.58
- Development Projects
- Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment
- 2024 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- 2023 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- 2020 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- 2019 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- 2018 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- Planned Development Amendment (PDA 6-18)
- Planned Development Amendment (PDA 3-18/PDA 4-18) & Subdivision (S 3-18)
- Planned Development Amendment (PDA 2-18) (Ordinance 4990) & Subdivision (S 2-18)
- Planned Development Amendment (ZC 3-18) - Ordinance 5021
- Planned Development Amendment (ZC 2-18) - Ordinance 5021
- 2017 Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment Applications
- Appeals
- Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2024 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2022 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2021 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2020 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2019 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- Zone Change (ZC 4-19) and Conditional Use Permit (CU 4-19) - 1945 NW 2nd Street
- Zone Change (ZC 3-19) and Subdivision (S 2-19) - R4409DC01100
- Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Zone Change/Planned Development Amendment/Conditional Use (CPA 2-19/ZC 2-19/PDA 1-19/CU 2-19) - 1901 NW Baker Creek Road
- Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Zone Change/Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment/Subdivision/Landscape (CPA 1-19/ZC 1-19/PD 1-19/PDA 2-19/S 1-19/L 12-19) - 1755 NW Baker Creek Road
- 2018 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- 2017 Comprehensive Plan Map and/or Zone Change Applications
- Subdivision Applications
- Conditional Use Permit Applications
- Variance Applications
- Minor Partition Applications
- Minor Partition (MP 5-20) - 2185 & 2191 NW 2nd Street
- Minor Partition (MP 3-21) - 902 & 988 NW Baker Crest Court
- Minor Partition (MP 2-21) - 2755 NE Highway 99W
- Minor Partition (1-21) - 1206 NE 10th Avenue
- 2020 Minor Partition Applications
- 2019 Minor Partition Applications
- 2018 Minor Partition Applications
- 2017 Minor Partition Applications
- Minor Partition (MP 8-17) - 1301 NW Michelboook Lane
- Minor Partition (MP 7-17) - 1730 SW 2nd Street
- Minor Partition (MP 6-17) - 2880 NE Lafayette Avenue
- Minor Partition (MP 5-17) - Baker Creek East
- Minor Partition (MP 4-17) - NE Miller Street/NE Riverside Drive
- Minor Partition (MP 3-17) - 1600 NE McDonald Lane
- Minor Partition (MP 2-17) - 802 & 804 SE Davis Street
- Minor Partition (MP 1-17) - 2950 NE Hembree Street
- Administrative Variance Applications
- Historic Landmarks Applications
- Gwendolyn Hotel (HL 6-22, HL 7-22, HL 8-22, and DDR 2-22) - 609, 611 and 619 NE Third Street
- Certificate of Approval for Alteration (HL 4-21) - 300, 303, 406, & 546 NE 3rd Street
- Certificate of Approval Demolition (HL 2-21) -415/423 SE College Avenue
- Certificate of Approval Demolition (HL 1-21) - 900 SW Baker Street "Mac" Hall
- 2020 Historic Landmarks Applications
- Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 7-20) - 608 NE 3rd Street
- Certificate of Approval Demolition (HL 6-20) -826 SW Gilson Street
- Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 5-20) - 225 NW Adams Street
- Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 4-20) - 806 SE Davis Street
- Certificate of Approval Alteration (HL 3-20) - 835 NW Birch Street
- Certificate of Approval Demolition (HL 2-20)
- Historic Resource Inventory Amendment (HL 1-20) - 404 NE Irvine Street
- Historic Landmarks Committee Meeting
- 2019 Historic Landmarks Applications
- 2018 Historic Landmarks Applications
- Downtown Design Review/Waiver Applications
- Three Mile Lane Development Review
- Recent Decisions
- Planned Development/Planned Development Amendment
- City Initiated Projects
- Long Range Planning Projects
- Economic Development
- Frequently Asked Questions - Planning
- Informational Brochures
- Historic Preservation
- Uncover: McMinnville Historic Preservation
- Pioneer Hall, Linfield University, Built 1883
- Samuel Cozine House: Home of McMinnville Downtown Association
- McMinnville Public Library, Carnegie Library
- Schilling Building, (Boss Saloon), Built prior to 1884
- The Oregon Hotel, Hotel Elberton, McMenamins Oregon Hotel, Built 1905
- United Presbyterian, First Presbyterian Church, Built 1897, updated 1909
- McMinnville, Southern Pacific Train Depot, Built 1913
- Old City Powerplant, Built 1926-1927
- First Baptist Church, Built 1926
- Wright Building, Built 1893
- McMinnville City Hall, Built post 1928
- McMinnville Bank, Built 1885
- City Park, Est. 1908
- Star Mill Way, Built 1882
- Malone Cemetery
- Buchanan Cellars - Built 1888
- Mac Market - Built 1929
- Knights of Pythias Building - Built 1886
- Cooks Hotel/Mack Theater
- Linfield Observatory - Built 1894
- Grissen House - Built 1889
- Frank E Rodgers House
- 535 NE Cowls St - Built 1912
- Chinese Laundry - Dates Unknown
- Shadden House - Built 1859
- Dielschneider House 610 NE Cowls St – Built 1900
- Hodson House - Built 1895
- Masonic Building - Built 1913
- 135 NE Irvine St – Built 1895
- Newby-Cook House - Built 1879
- Uncover: McMinnville Historic Preservation
- Plans & Ordinances
- Urban Renewal
- Zoning & Maps
Contact Information
Community Development Director:
Heather Richards
Planning Phone: 503-434-7311
Planning Email
Community Development Department
Community Development Center
231 NE Fifth Street
McMinnville, OR 97128
Monday-Friday - 8am - 5pm
Lobby Hours - 12pm - 5pm