Innovation Campus Project

Innovation Campus March 15, 2025 Community Forum

We have ideas for a new business area in McMinnville - and we want your feedback!
Join us for a drop-in style Community Forum to weigh in on what it could look and feel like, including what to include in a new neighborhood park.

  • Come anytime

  • Learn about other related projects

  • Refreshments provided

Saturday, March 15, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
City of McMinnville Civic Hall
230 NE 2nd Street, McMinnville 97128


Estamos planificando 200 acres de tierras comerciales y opportunidas de empleo para el futuro de McMinnville en la autopista 18 y nos encantaría recibir sus comentarios. Únase a nosotros en un foro comunitario para evaluar cómo se vería y se sentiría como una puerta de entrada a McMinnville.

  • Venga cuando quiera

  • Conozca otros proyectos relacionados

  • Se proporciona interpretación en español y refrigerios

Reserva la fecha:
Sábado 15 de marzo, 10 a. m. – 12 p. m.
Salón CIvico de la ciudad de McMinnville
230 NE 2nd Street, McMinnville 97128





The Innovation Campus concept was identified in the Mac Town 2032 Economic Development Strategic Plan, adopted by Resolution No. 2019-16, and the Three Mile Lane Area Plan (3MLAP) adopted by Ordinance No. 5126 on November 8, 2022. The 3MLAP identified a community vision of a Retail Center and Innovation Campus on this acreage to serve the community’s future needs of commercial development and high density, upwardly mobile employment opportunities.


What is the vision for the Innovation Campus in McMinnville:  The Innovation Campus is intended to be high-density employment campus responding to the next generation of industrial and entrepreneurial jobs where research and development is nurtured and supported in a thoughtful and intentional campus design in partnership with product manufacturing.  The campus will house class “A” office space, flex spaces, incubator spaces and manufacturing facilities.


With almost 200 acres, it is one of Oregon’s largest industrial sites and is strategically located on HWY 18 near the McMinnville Municipal Airport. The site has three property owner groups who have been engaged in the Innovation Campus discussions and the 3MLAP.


This project will look at both the Retail Center and the Innovation Campus. The scope of work has four components:

  • Master planning the site to determine a preferred growth scenario (i.e., low-, mid-, or high-density development),

  • Public infrastructure feasibility analysis, which will include wastewater, water, transportation, electricity, broadband, etc.,

  • Design standards and code development, and

  • Professional marketing for the site, which will include branding, communications tools, and a website.


Project Consultant: Walker Macy

City Project Manager: Jody Christensen at