Southwest Area Plan

McMinnville Urban Growth Boundary Framework Plan with Southwest Area Plan Circled

Request for Proposals (RFP) and Contract Award

The City of McMinnville issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Qualifications-Based Selection Process for Professional Services for the Southwest Area Plan.  The City received and evaluated responsive proposals.

The City issued a Notice of Intent to Award the project to HHPR. No objections were received. 

At their December 10, 2024 meeting, the City Council adopted a resolution awarding the project to HHPR. 

The project will kick-off in January 2025.  The Scope of Work and Project Schedule are available here


Apply to Serve on the Project Advisory Committee

Work on this project will be guided by a Project Advisory Committee (PAC).  If you are interested in applying to serve on the Project Advisory Committee, you can find the application here. Applications can be returned to the address or e-mail address listed on the application form.

About the Southwest Area Plan

This planning project will develop an Area Plan for the southwest area.  The southwest area is one of the areas added to McMinnville’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in 2020 as part of the McMinnville Growth Management and Urbanization Plan (MGMUP).  This is an area intended to meet a share of McMinnville’s 20-year growth needs.  It is the largest contiguous area added to the UGB in 2020. 

The City of McMinnville also adopted a Framework Plan, which identifies the different land uses to be included in each area to meet its part of McMinnville’s overall growth management plan.  The Framework Plan includes a high-level concept map for each area.  The Area Plan must be consistent with the “sidebars” of the adopted Framework Plan.  The Southwest Area Plan will create a plan to guide new neighborhoods to include a variety of housing types, neighborhood commercial uses and services, school and park sites, and opportunities for greenways and walking and biking trails. 

Once the Area Plan is adopted, it will guide future development of the area.   Before a property can be annexed into the City and developed, a property owner must prepare a master plan for development of the specific property proposed for annexation.  That proposed development plan must be consistent with the Area Plan, which codifies the community’s vision for the area.  

The Southwest Area Plan project will be guided by a Project Advisory Committee.  The City will also contract with a multi-disciplinary consultant team to work with staff and the Project Advisory Committee to conduct the Area Planning work.  Throughout the project, there will be public outreach and engagement such as community design workshops and surveys to help guide the work and develop a plan that reflects the community’s vision. 


Related Reference Documents


Concurrent Planning Efforts

The City is currently in process, or will be soon starting, a number of other planning efforts.  The following are in process or forecasted to overlap with the Southwest Area Planning process.