Sign Ordinances
Why is it important to have sign ordinances, anyway?
Sign ordinances establish guidelines and procedures designed to enhance the health, safety and visual environment of the community while still permitting businesses, residents and government agencies adequate visual communication through the use of signage. Sign ordinances serve to curb unsightly clutter and provide a sense of uniformity to our communities making them more attractive and desirable.
See the list below to learn more about prohibited signs:

Temporary/Free-Standing Signs
Although temporary/free-standing signs are permitted within the City's code, there are a variety of standards that must be met and kept to maintain compliance. Click here to further explore our temporary sign code language.

Roof Signs
Any mounted sign that projects above the top of a wall, eave, or parapet. Signs on a mansard roof or on a wall on the end facade of a gable roof are considered wall signs for the purposes of this ordinance, provided they do not extend above the roof line.

Video Signs
An electronic changeable copy sign providing information in both a horizontal and vertical format (as opposed to linear), and having the capacity to create continuously changing sign copy in a wide spectrum of colors, shades, and light intensities.

Flashing/Strobing Signs
A sign which contains an intermittent or sequential flashing light source used primarily to attract attention. Does not include electronic changeable copy signs or signs which, through reflection or other means, create an illusion of flashing of intermittent light.

Balloon Signs
A sign made from a nonporous bag of touch light material normally filled with heated air or a gas lighter than air so as to rise and float and displaying graphics, symbols and/or written copy.

Moving Signs
A sign which uses mechanized movement (e.g. rotation) to attract attention, depict action, or to create a special effect or scene (and includes dancing inflatable displays).