Defective Private Sewer Lateral (DPSL) program
The City of McMinnville has been directed by the EPA and Oregon DEQ to control the overflow of untreated sewage into the Yamhill River which can occur when stormwater and groundwater enter into the sanitary sewer system during the rainy season. This stormwater and groundwater does not need to be treated at the wastewater plant and can overwhelm the sanitary system causing untreated waters to be bypassed into the river. The City has invested, and continues to invest, millions of dollars to rehabilitate the public portion of the sanitary sewer system. However, our experts estimate that 60% of McMinnville's Inflow and infiltration (I/I) comes from private sanitary sewer laterals. To address the entirety of the sanitary sewer system, McMinnville City Council has adopted City code to require property owner's to bring the private laterals up to current Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code requirements in a program called the Defective Private Sewer Lateral (DPSL) program. The program has been recently revised and adopted by Ordinance 5150. The revised language to the DPSL program can be found in the documents below.
The City mainly, but not exclusively, utilizes this program in conjunction with the City's Sanitary Sewer I/I Rehabilitation projects. The City's project contractor is required to record video inspections of the private laterals for the City to evaluate after the project is completed. Once evaluated, the property owner's of the properties that failed the inspections will be notified of the corrections needed.
The program, as revised in Ordinance 5150, works as follows:
180 Day Grace Period - Once failed lateral evaluations have been identified, letters notifying the property owner's will be sent out. The 180 Day Grace period begins with the date on the letter. If the private lateral service has been brought up to current plumbing code, is inspected and approved during this period, the property owner will be eligible for a reimbursement from the City for 10% of the cost up to $500.00 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU).
12 Month Lien Period - If the private lateral service has not been completed within the 180 Day Grace Period, the program will enter into the 12 Month Lien Period. At this point a suspended lien will be placed on the property with no dollar value, but a $100.00 per month per EDU penalty will start to accrue. If the private lateral service is brought up to current plumbing code, is inspected and approved during this period, the lien will be removed and the accrued penalties will be waived. There is no reimbursement from the City available after the 180 Day Grace Period.
Penalty Period - After the 12 Month Lien Period, the program enters into the Penalty Period. At this time, the suspended lien will become active and the accrued penalties will be added to the lien. The City's Finance Department will begin mailing monthly invoices for the amount of penalties owed. From this point forward, the $100.00 per month per EDU fee will be billed to the property owner and unpaid balances will be adjusted to the lien. This will continue until the private lateral service is brought up to current plumbing code, is inspected and approved.
If the property owner wants to sell their property in the program without bringing the private lateral service up to current plumbing code, a Stipulated Agreement shall be entered into by the buyer and the City, and any lien will need to be resolved prior to its removal. The City will then restart the program with the new owner.
For Q & A information, the regulations for installing new sewer laterals, a list of excavating contractors, low-income financial assistance, reimbursement forms and the Stipulated Agreement, see the documents below.