Third Street Improvement

Third Street is the spine of McMinnville’s beloved downtown - we pride ourselves on saying that it is the outdoor living room where our community can gather. Taking care of our treasured street is a priority.
In August 2023, the City launched the next phase in a nine-linear block Third Street Improvement Project.
Third Street expresses the cultural richness of the city and the surrounding region forging an identity all its own, both quirky and classic. Featuring historic architectural gems, curated art and furnishings, and adaptive infrastructure, Third Street is both timeless and responsive to future innovation. It maintains a diverse, thriving, and independent business community. Local ownership and a commitment to authenticity ensure an interesting and rewarding experience unique to McMinnville.
The City identified the need for a Third Street Improvement (TSI) Project as early as 2000. Over the past 20 years, the City has worked on the necessary planning, community discussion and design for the project, as well as putting in place an urban renewal district to help fund the project. The City is now in PHASE D, the fourth phase of TSI project.
The Third Street Improvement Project PHASE D will focus on the nine linear blocks from NE Adams St. to NE Johnson St. and will be addressing the deteriorated downtown infrastructure that has led to accessibility and safety issues. The scope of this phase of the project is to develop construction documents to 30%, which will help the City access potential State and Federal funding. During this phase, there will be a business resiliency toolkit developed to help downtown businesses prepare for and navigate the construction phase.
In August 2023, the City of McMinnville awarded the PHASE D contract to BKF Engineers and launched it with an internal kickoff meeting on August 18. It is expected to be completed by August 2024. This project is funded by City of McMinnville American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and McMinnville Urban Renewal funds.
Third Street Improvement (TSI) Project Phases
Phase A – Vision, Goals, Design Principles – completed
Phase B – Initial Concept Design – completed
Phase C – Refined Concept Design – completed
PHASE D – Engineering 30% Construction Documents - currently underway (August 2023 to expected completion has moved from August 2024 to June 2025)
Phase E – Engineering 100% Construction Documents
Phase F – Procurement and Construction - not expected before 2026