ARPA Midtown Basin Stormwater Project


Engineering Survey & Design September 2024 – March 2025


Survey - September 27, 2024

Additional Survey - December 7, 2024

Geotechnical Soil Boring - January 31, 2025



In 2022 the City was successfully awarded an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant to help address repeated flooding events that have occurred near NE 13th Street & NE Galloway Street within the Midtown Stormwater Basin. This project is currently in the Engineering phase and is expecting to move into the Construction phase this summer.

The ARPA Midtown Basin Stormwater Project has the primary goal of providing a solution that addresses as much of the flooding now as possible and a secondary goal to accommodate future master-planned projects. As the project has progressed in design, we have concluded that the secured funding is not enough to solve all of the flooding issues, but we have been able to identify a significant section that acts as a capacity restriction or “bottleneck” that we can focus the project on. Focusing the project on that location will provide the best result with the limited funding and work seamlessly with future projects that will be able to resolve the remaining flooding concerns. The project is currently focusing on finishing the design for approximately 600 lineal feet of new 30” storm pipe along NE 12th Street between NE Irvine Street & NE Kirby Street. This will not fully address flooding issues within the Midtown Basin but will decrease it by approximately 49%. It will increase capacity through the portion of the system that currently acts as the bottleneck thus reducing the flooding.