Community Development

Image of proposed Stratus Village

The Stratus Village Project includes three applications: Planned Development Amendment (PDA 2-23), Three Mile Lane Review (TML 1-23), and Landscape Plan Review (L 25-23)


Stratus Village

An application for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Map from Industrial to Commercial, and an amendment to the Zoning Map from M-2 (General Industrial) to C-3 PD (General Commercial with a Planned Development Overlay)

The City of McMinnville is proposing to amend Chapter 17.72 (Applications and Review Process) of the McMinnville Zoning Ordinance to incorporate neighborhood meetings in to the McMinnville land use application review process. 

If your property is located in the residential zone, yes, a permit is required.

Quinby Construction LLC, c/o Eric Harrison on behalf of property owner Lin C. Chan, is requesting approval to partition two parcels into three parcels.  The property was originally platted as Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the Norwegian Wood Subdivision. 

1945 nw 2nd st

Application:  Zone Change (ZC 4-19) and Conditional Use Permit (CU 4-19) - 1945 NW 2nd Street

Vicinity Map for 2005 Michelbook Lane

The applicant is requesting approval of a zoning variance for the property at 2005 NW Michelbook Lane (Tax Lot R4417BD00800).

Applicant: Andrew and Susanne Duvall

Mary Hill is requesting approval to partition an approximately 0.85 acre parcel of land into two (2) parcels approximately 30,063 and 7,100 square feet in size.  

Meeting both long-range and current planning needs of the city, the Planning Division oversees land use issues, zoning ordinances, and economic development.

