Community Development

Short Term Rental Map

Below is a list of the projects and land use applications currently under review by the Planning Department. These projects and applications require approval from the: Planning Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council.  


Below is a list of proposed/approved Planned Development and/or Planned Development Amendment applications.   Planned Developments generally accompany a Zone Change request, while Planned Development Amendments, amend a current development.  Both require a public hearing before the McMinnville Pl

FAQ image

Code Compliance Nuisance & Abatement Language

Contributory Resources are defined as resources that are not in themselves of  major significance, but which enhance the overall historic character of  the neighborhood or City.

Stafford Development Company is proposing to amend an existing Planned Development (Ord. 5021) to incorporate a portion of an open space tract into the first phase of the two phases of the Baker Creek East
