Community Development
McMinnville School District is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow for a change in the use of the existing McMinnville High School site to accommodate a new vocational technical school, expanded athletic facilities, field improvements, and new parking areas. The applicant is also requesting ...
City Hall | Courtemanche House
230 NE 2nd Street | Built Prior to 1928
Public Open House about McMinnville’s Housing Needs Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Kent Taylor Civic Hall, 200 NE 2nd Street, McMinnville.
Doors will be open from 4:00pm-6:00pm. There is no formal presentation, so please stop by any time between these hours.
Denny Elmer, Heiser Addition LLC, is requesting a minor modification to the Heiser Addition Subdivision (S 1-16) approval.
The Fox Ridge Road location is one of six areas that are identified for the future development of McMinnville.
Below is a list of Administrative Variance applications, which are reviewed by the Planning Director.
Jonathan Aliabadi is requesting a sign standards exception to allow an existing freestanding sign to exceed the height and size standards for freestanding signs on commercially zoned properties. The exception request serves as the property owner’s appeal of the nonconforming sign amortization process