Third Street Resiliency Toolkit

The Third Street Improvement Project PHASE D includes the development of foundational information for the Third Street Resiliency Toolkit to help the community, businesses, and property owners plan for the impacts during the construction phase. The City will continue to expand the Business Resiliency Program to include resources for pre-, during, and post-construction. 


After considerable research and interviews, recommendations and observations were presented from Civilis Consultants' Michele Reeves, an expert consultant with vast experience in downtown revitalization. In partnership with the City of McMinnville, the McMinnville Downtown Association (MDA) hosted a March 12, 2024 presentation. The PowerPoint presentation and supporting document are under an agreement protecting the consultant proprietary information. The City is the host of the information, which can be shared in small group presentations by appointment


To learn more, please contact Jody Christensen at