Phases A-C Completed

Third Street Improvement Project
Phases A, B, and C have been completed. Phase A accomplished the Vision, Goals, and Design Principles. Phase B developed the initial streetscape concept design, which was refined in Phase C.
The project is now in PHASE D, which is the development of schematic, design, and 30% construction documents for a Third Street Improvement Project in downtown McMinnville, as well as the development of Third Street Resiliency Toolkit for the community, businesses, and property owners impacted by the construction project. The project area is approximately nine linear blocks. This project has become a priority for the City of McMinnville after the pandemic and the impact on local Main Street businesses.
The Third Street Improvement Project
- Phase A – Vision, Goals, Design Principles – completed
- Phase B – Initial Concept Design – completed
- Phase C – Refined Concept Design – completed
- PHASE D – Engineering 30% Construction Documents - currently underway (August 2023 to expected completion in August 2024)
- Phase E – Engineering 100% Construction Documents
- Phase F – Procurement and Construction - not expected before 2026
Concept Design Supporting Documents:
Background Documents:
- Downtown Improvement Plan (2000)
- Third Street Streetscape Plan (2005)
- Downtown Urban Renewal Plan (2013)
- Third Street Tree Assessment (2019)
- Third Street Tree Reassessment (2021)
Phase C - Completed
- Joint Urban Renewal and Advisory Committee Meeting, 7.12.22
- Refined Design Community Survey Results
- Public Information Session, 6.21.22
- Third Street Parking Assessment
Phase B - Completed
Phase B – Initial Design Concepts Survey Results
- 6/8/2022 - Meeting Material
- 4/25/2022 - Meeting Material
- 2/28/2022 - Meeting Material
- 1/24/2022 - Meeting Material & Meeting Notes
- 12/13/2021 - Meeting Material & Meeting Notes
Phase A - Completed
Final Third Street Vision, Goals, and Objectives
- 4/5/2019 - Meeting Notes
- 2/15/2019 - Meeting Notes
For any further questions regarding the Third Street Improvement Project Phases A-C, feel free to reach out to the Planning Division directly at or (503) 434-7311.