Community Development

<h4>Economic Development</h4>

Ralph Turnbaugh is requesting approval of the exterior design of a proposed alteration and repair to the street side façade of an existing commercial building.  The applicant is also requesting waivers from two 

On July 23, 2013, following several years of study of urban renewal and its possible use as a tool to enhance economic growth in the downtown and NE Gateway District, the McMinnville City Council voted unanimously to approve the McMinnville Urban Renewal Plan.

Frank E Rodgers House

206 NE 10th Street  |  Built 1896

The Frank E Rodgers house is one of the most beautiful, early homes of McMinnville. The richness and variety of texture make this a fine example of the Queen Anne style, and one of the most ornate homes in the city.

Samuel Justice, on behalf of McMinnville Water & Light, is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow for the construction and operation of a fueling station facility, 

Terry Hall, on behalf of property owner Jeff Sauter, is appealing the Historic Landmarks Committee’s decision on a recent Certificate of Approval for Alteration application (HL 10-18).  The decision being appealed is a denial

Guy Williamson is requesting approval to divide an approximately 0.86 acre parcel of land into two (2) parcels of approximately 29,390 square feet and 8,231 square feet in size.  
