Community Development
Below is a list of Downtown Design Review and/or Waiver applications. These applications are reviewed by the Planning Director or the Historic Landmarks Committee, depending on the appliation request.
Daniel Danicic, on behalf of Charlie Parr, is requesting approval of a comprehensive plan map amendment from an industrial designation to a residential designation and to rezone the same parcel from M-1 (Light Industrial) to R-4 (Multiple-Family Residential).
1140 NE Alpine Avenue | Built 1929
Mac Market is a collaborative and community-driven eating, drinking, and gathering place housed in a renovated historic warehouse.
Community Development Customer Services Technician: Devin Aldrich
(503) 474-4151
McMinnville School District is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow for a change in the use of the existing McMinnville High School site to accommodate a new vocational technical school, expanded athletic facilities, field improvements, and new parking areas. The applicant is also requesting ...