Community Development

Approval of the demolition of the south portion of the existing building, which is an addition to the main building that is constructed of different materials and of a different design than the main building.


West Hills Properties, LLC, is requesting approval to amend Planned Development Ordinance No. 4868 to allow exceptions to current street grade, block length, block circumference and lot depth...

Howard Aster, property owner, is requesting approval of a property line adjustment to adjust the common property line between two existing parcels at 335 NW 8th Street and 824 NW Cedar Street.  

The City of McMinnville is proposing to amend the goals and policies of Chapter III (Cultural, Historical, and Educational Resources) of McMinnville’s Comprehensive Plan and to adopt a Historic Preservation Plan as an appendix to the Comprehensive Plan to provide a guide for 

adu sample

The City of McMinnville is proposing to amend Chapter 17.12 (Single-Family Residential), specific to Accessory Dwelling Units, of the McMinnville Zoning Ordinance.

Code Compliance Fees Effective August 13, 2019 (Resolution No. 2019-54)

Mario Espinosa, on behalf of property owner Delta Rho of Kappa Alpha Bld. Assoc.,  is requesting the approval of the demolition of two existing historic resources and buildings that are located on the subject

Ernie Munch, on behalf of property owner Historic 3rd and Ford, LLC is requesting approval of four concurrent actions. The actions include: 1) Historic Resources Inventory Amendment to

1730 sw 2nd st

Ray Kulback, RB&R Contractors, is requesting approval to divide an approximately 0.77 acre parcel of land into two (2) parcels approximately 0.39 acres and 0.38 acres in size.
