Adopt A Roadway

About the Program
The Adopt-A-Roadway Program is an anti-litter campaign intended to build civic pride in a litter free McMinnville. It allows citizens to work in partnership with the City by "adopting" a segment of roadway and agreeing to keep it clean. This program offers individuals an inexpensive way to contribute to their community and generate publicity for their efforts. Every participant in this program makes a positive impact on the appearance of the road system and their community.
What work does the permit require?
Sponsors volunteer to remove litter, maintain landscaping or perform vandalism cleanup along an adopted segment of roadway for a minimum of two years. The participants will service the road segment a minimum of
two times a year.
How long are the street segments?
The assigned segments will be no more than two miles long, depending on the size of the volunteer group and the volume of anticipated litter.
Who can participate?
Almost anyone can participate in this program. The adopting party may be a club, a business, a group of concerned citizens or an individual. There are no costs or fees to the participants. Participants must be atleast 12 years of age and in good health.
Can children participate?
Minors under the age of 18 must have a special liability waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian. The parent or guardian must accompany the minor, or must assign responsibility to an adult representative of the Adopt-a-Roadway applicant.
When participants are 14 years of age or younger, the Group shall furnish minimum supervision of 1 adult to every 4 children (1:4 ratio). All volunteers are required to be 12 years old or older.
How long is my permit valid for?
The permit is good for a minimum of two years; however you or the City may cancel anytime you are unable to meet the permit requirements. Permits may also be temporarily suspended due to road construction or other safety concerns. After two years, if the adopter would like to renew their commitment they need to resubmit an application. Only those who fully complete their commitment will be considered for renewal.
What does the City of McMinnville provide?
The City will provide and install up to two Adopt-a-Roadway signs (one for each direction of traffic) with the Adopter’s name on each sign, within 90 days after the first cleanup has been completed.
For program information or questions, contact:
City of McMinnville
1900 NE Riverside Drive
McMinnville, Oregon 97128
(503) 434-7316