Street Repair and Repaving

The 2014 Transportation Bond included $5.2 million dollars for the rehabilitation and repaving portions of 84 City streets, totaling about 14 miles. The first phase of this work was completed in 2015.
2015 Completed Improvements:
The 2015 Street Repair and Repaving Project was completed in September of 2015 at a total project cost of $1,397,015. The work included the repair and repaving of 4.0 miles of City streets around the community. 182 curb ramps were updated as part of the project. The streets completed represent approximately 28.5% of repair and repaving work that will be completed as part of the bond funded improvements. The remaining work will occur over the next three summers (2016-2018).
2016 Completed Improvements:
The 2016 Street Repair and Repaving Project is the second phase of this work, and was completed in August 2016 with a total project cost of $1,806,614. The work included the rehabilitation, repair and repaving of approximately 3.8 miles of City streets around the community. The project included major rehabilitation work to Wallace Road in northwest McMinnville, and Riverside Drive in northeast McMinnville. As part of the improvements, 118 accessible curb ramps were installed. The streets completed represent approximately 27% of the repair and repaving work that will be completed as part of the bond funded improvements. The remaining work will occur over the next two summers.
2017 Completed Improvements:
The 2017 Street Repair and Repaving Project included repairs and repaving work to residential streets in various areas around the community. The project improved approximately 3.36 miles of City streets, and will include accessibility upgrades where necessary.
This summer’s paving work comprised approximately 25% of the street repair and repaving work that will be completed as part of the bond measure funded improvements.