Pedestrian/Safety Projects

The $24-million transportation improvement bond measure passed by the voter’s in late 2014 included funding to add sidewalks and pedestrian safety improvements in various areas adjacent to schools and public facilities. The City has worked with the School District to identify and prioritize several sidewalk improvement projects to be constructed.
Project areas included:
• Upgrades to the Fellows St / Agee St crossing
• Installation of sidewalk and crossing improvements along South Davis Street (Alethea Way to Cleveland Ave)
• Upgrades to the Michelbook Lane / Ash Street crossing
• Upgrades to the Galloway / 15th Street crossing
• Completion of the Star Mill Way - Wallace Road sidewalk
• Sidewalk improvements along Grandhaven Street (Lucas Drive to Grandhaven Drive)
• Installation of a sidewalk along the west side of Ford Street between Washington Street and Cozine Creek
• Installation of a sidewalk along Cumulus Avenue between Atlantic Street and Dunn Place
Point of Contact:
Larry Sherwood, Project Manager
Address: 231 NE 5th Street, McMinnville, OR
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