Below is a list of the projects and land use applications currently under review by the Planning Department. These projects and applications require approval from the: Planning Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council.
The Annual Leaf Pickup Program will begin the week of October 21, 2024, and continue through the week of January 6, 2025. The service is offered to residents every THIRD week and begins each week on Monday morning.
The application window has CLOSED // La ventana de la aplicación ha CERRADO
The City of McMinnville’s Mayor, Scott A. Hill, submitted his resignation on April 12, 2022, which will go into effect May 24, 2022.
Join Mayor Scott Hill for the Annual Mayor's Award Reception and State of the City Address featuring McMinnville's accomplishments for the past year and plans for 2022. We’ve worked hard at taking this event virtual in efforts to keep our City safe!
Planning for a winter storm event can be difficult. The variations in rate of snowfall, moisture content, air/surface temperatures, micro-climates, time of day and wind velocity make each storm a unique challenge.
It is the goal of this plan to establish general policies and procedures that help make travel within the city as safe as possible and to minimize economic hardship during those events.
Planning for a winter storm event can be difficult. The variations in rate of snowfall, moisture content, air/surface temperatures, micro-climates, time of day and wind velocity make each storm a unique challenge.
It is the goal of this plan to establish general policies and procedures that help make travel within the city as safe as possible and to minimize economic hardship during those events.
On September 14, 2021 the Fair Housing Council of Oregon presented to the City Council, Planning Commission, Affordable Housing Committee, Rental Inspection Committee, the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Advisory Committee, and the Housing Authority Board regarding Fair Housing in Oregon.
Updated 01/10/2025: There are presently no open positions for the Airport Commission.
Daytime Cooling Shelters
McMinnville First Baptist Church
Open Tuesday, July 26th through Saturday, July 30th from: 12:00noon - 8:00pm
Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission
The Biennial General Election in 2020 will be held November 3, 2020. Filing for office opens June 3, 2020 and closes August 25, 2020.
Street Construction and Closures for June 29th through July 5th, 2020.
Street Construction and Closures for June 29th through July 5th, 2020.
Street Construction and Closures for June 29th through July 5th, 2020.
The City of McMinnville and its Police Department has become a part of, or engaged in, programs to make our community safer and more livable. These types of community policing programs and policy initiatives are done to make our city a safer and healthier place to live, learn, work, and play.
Recently I have received communication regarding current MPD policies surrounding the police department’s use of force guidelines.