Economic Vitality Leadership Council

The McMinnville Economic Vitality Leadership Council was formed to serve in an advisory and guidance role to McMinnville economic development partners advancing the MAC Town 2032 Economic Development Strategic Plan.  To focus on both high-impact, near-term strategies and objectives, and high-impact, long-term strategies and objectives that will:

  • Identify McMinnville’s unique opportunities and niche potential that will separate McMinnville from other communities and maintain the feeling of a vibrant small-town in close proximity to a fast-growing metropolitan area, and create a sustainable economy for generations to come. 
  • Position a unique quality of life to attract creative class and entrepreneurial talent to establish the next generation of local business development and investment in the community.
  • Lead McMinnville’s agricultural and manufacturing traditional economy towards a successful and sustainable 21st century economy. 
  • Utilize McMinnville’s history of collaboration towards achieving big things.
  • Identify what is an attractive business climate for McMinnville’s targeted potential and what McMinnville still needs to do to create that climate.
  • Leverage the growing tourism industry towards new business development and investment.  “If you like to play here, why not work and live here too.” 
  • Focus the efforts of all individual economic development partners so that they are successful in their own unique roles but working collaboratively and collectively towards advancing a coherent and cohesive overall economic vision.
  • Invest limited resources in strategic initiatives that create family wage jobs that are multi-generational and reinforce the small town charm of McMinnville.

Members serve a three-year term, with two consecutive three-terms.

Enabling authority is found in the McMinnville Municipal Code at Chapter 2.30.

Agendas and Minutes

                                                                                                                                                                   Economic Vitality Leadership Council

EVLC Members
Volunteer Term Expires
Vacant, Chair
McMinnville School District

Mike Morris, Vice-Chair
Chamber of Commerce

Trena McManus,
McMinnville Water and Light
Chris Chenoweth,
City of McMinnville
City of McMinnville
Steve Patterson,
McMinnville Chamber of Commerce
Dani Chisholm,
McMinnville Downtown Association
Heather Miller,
McMinnville Downtown Association

John Dietz,
McMinnville Economic Development Partnership

Deven Paolo,
McMinnville Economic Development Partnership

Diana Riggs,
Visit McMinnville

Visit McMinnville
Michael Mulkey,
Willamette Valley Medical Center