Snow & Ice Response Plan

Planning for a winter storm event can be difficult. The variations in rate of snowfall, moisture content, air/surface temperatures, micro-climates, time of day and wind velocity make each storm a unique challenge.

The purpose of this policy is to clarify and describe the  City's snow removal and sanding priorities and the level of services intended to  be provided by City forces. Bare and dry pavement should not be expected.

It is the goal of this plan to establish general policies and procedures that help make travel within the city as safe as possible and to minimize economic hardship during those events.

Please see map below for routes A (red), B (green), and C (blue) indicating when your street will be plowed. As noted further below, both the County and ODOT cover many areas in McMinnville.


Keep snow emergency routes operational with a priority being to provide a reasonably safe traveling surface into town during morning rush hours and out of town during evening rush hours.

  • Provide emergency sanding for police, fire, emergency medical services, hospital and school districts.
  • Maintain access to essential City and County services.
  • Keep schools open.
  • Keep highly used public park restrooms open to the public.

Levels of Service

Streets: The City does not have a bare pavement policy.  Snow and Ice Control operations are intended to provide the prudent motorist with a reasonably safe traveling surface.  During heavy snowfall or severe icing conditions motorists may need to install chains or other traction devices. Street conditions shall be addressed on an emergency response basis.

City Buildings: Designated City facilities shall have pathways and stairs with a safe surface, clear of accumulated snow and ice for pedestrian entry and exit. These needs will be addressed on an emergency response basis with the operational needs of each facility in mind.

City owned parking lots: City owned parking lots serving downtown businesses and City facilities shall have pathways with a safe surface, clear of accumulated snow and ice for pedestrian use. These needs shall be addressed on a planned basis, after higher priority areas are made safe.

Public Parks: Designated City parks with heavily used restrooms shall have pathways with a safe surface, clear of accumulated snow and ice for pedestrian entry and exit. These needs shall be addressed on a planned basis, after higher priority areas are made safe.

Street Priority Criteria

Streets are placed on the snow route list by reviewing specific criteria.  The criteria determine whether they are included on the list, as well as priority designation.  The criteria are as follows:

  • Traffic volumes
  • Emergency service locations (fire station, PW Maintenance facility, police    station, hospital)
  • Geographic constraints (steep hills, curves, grade changes)
  • Historically hazardous traffic locations
  • Elevated structures (bridges and overpasses)
  • Schools

For a map of city street criteria, see downloadable map below


These policies apply to the City of McMinnville street system and designated City owned or operated facilities.  Typical snow and ice control operations for the City of McMinnville consist of sanding, anti-icing, and deicing. In extreme events, contract forces may be used to provide plowing and snow removal as necessary. These polices do not apply to the McMinnville Airport, as airport snow removal practices and procedures (i.e. plowing, anti-icing, sanding, and deicing) are influenced by the Federal Aviation Administration and the City’s airport policies and standards.

*Please note that both ODOT and Yamhill County have jurisdiction over various streets within the McMinnville city limits:


  • Hwy 99, Lowes to Walgreens
  • Three Mile Lane bridge and overpass
  • Adams/ Baker Streets between Walgreens and 15th Street
  • Hwy 99, 15th Street to Cascade Steel Mill 
  • Hwy 18/Hwy 18 spur 
  • Cumulus Avenue (Hwy 18 frontage road)
  • Stratus Avenue (Hwy 18 frontage road) 

Yamhill County:      

  • Hill Road, South of 2nd Street
  • Old Sheridan Road, West of Cypress Lane           
  • Baker Creek Road, West of Hill Road
  • N. Baker Street/Westside Road, north of Baker Creek Road
  • Grandhaven Drive north of Grandhaven Street 
  • Riverside Drive east of Miller

* Snow and Ice Control operations will be performed along designated snow routes as snowfall occurs. Sanding will not occur while snow is still accumulating. Priorities may be altered to address specific problem areas.

> Streets that are not designated snow routes will not be plowed, sanded or deiced unless specifically requested by the police or fire emergency. The Public Works Superintendent may alter this practice as circumstances require.

> Emergency sanding requests by police, fire, and ambulance services will be handled as a number 1 priority. 

> Deicing and anti-icing chemicals with corrosion inhibitors may be used in quantities necessary to keep sand stockpiles and sanding equipment workable.

> Ice control operations will consist of the plowing, application of abrasives and/or deicing/anti-icing chemicals along designated snow routes.  When accumulated snow becomes compacted and plowing becomes ineffective, abrasives and/or deicing/anti-icing chemicals will be used as in normal ice control operations. 

> During ice control operations abrasives and/or deicing/anti-icing chemicals will normally be applied within 100 feet of a controlled intersection, on bridges, overpasses and their approaches, and along curves and steep grades. Application of deicing/anti-icing chemicals may occur days prior to freezing conditions on designated snow routes. The Public Works Superintendent may alter this policy to address unique storm conditions. 

> The McMinnville Public Works Division may close streets during a snow/ice emergency. The McMinnville Police Department may close streets temporarily to address accidents or safety concerns. The Public Works Division may provide barricades to McMinnville Police for this purpose and set them out upon request.

> Sand clean up operations will begin at the conclusion of the storm when streets become free of ice and snow, and the forecast does not call for more snow or ice within the next 24 hours.  

> Priorities for picking sand up will be the same as for placement of sand. Special attention will be given to arterials and collectors with striped bike lanes to ensure they are clean. 

> During an ice/snow event, City crews and/or contract forces will be assigned to clear pathways along public sidewalks abutting designated city properties.  Sidewalks leading to building entrances will also have pathways cleared. Accumulated snow and ice will be removed as conditions allow and de-icing agents applied as appropriate.

> As conditions subside, City crews will plow and clear driving surfaces in City owned parking lots and apply de-icer or sand as conditions dictate. 

This policy does not, nor is it intended, to encompass all details of the City of McMinnville’s snow and ice removal and control operations. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Public Works Division at (503) 434-7316.