Organizational Assessment Initiative 2024
The City of McMinnville Organizational Assessment Initiative (CMAI) will take place between March and September 2024 and will be guided by Talitha Consults.
INITIATIVE: The initiative will help the City of McMinnville and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee (DEIAC) deliver on the City's strategic plan, Mac-Town 2032, which names Equity as one of the City’s four core values with Engagement and Inclusion as one of its seven priorities; defined as a goal to “create a culture of acceptance and mutual respect that acknowledges differences and strives for equity.” Under the Engagement and Inclusion Priority, MacTown2032 names the following five objectives:
Actively protect people from discrimination and harassment
Celebrate the diversity of McMinnville
Cultivate cultural competency and fluency throughout the community
Grow City’s Employees, Boards, and Commissions to reflect our community
Improve access by identifying and removing barriers to participation
As a public agency, it is critical that the City of McMinnville align its DEI strategy with community needs. The City of McMinnville desires to align its DEI strategy with partners and relevant community-based organizations to ensure DEI strategies complement current and future DEI-related work throughout the service area. The City strives to build a framework to support partner’s strategies, evaluate how to best to align with said partners, and assistance in identifying potential funding and growth opportunities.
INITIATIVE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The DEIAC members form the City of McMinnville Assessment Initiative Advisory Committee (CMAI AC).
ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS: The CMAI AC meetings will take place after the DEIAC's regular monthly meetings , which are held the second Thursday of each month. The CMAI AC will meet monthly from 3-4 PM starting in March until September 2024. All meetings are open to the public and are hybrid. For meeting details, see the City Calendar menu on this page.
WORK SESSIONS: In addition, there will be two City Council Work Sessions- March 26 at 6-7 pm and on September 24, 2024.