2022-28 |
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Braun NW through the Houston Galveston Area Cooperative Purchasing Program (HGAC) for the purchase of a remount /refurbish of one 2012 Lifeline 169" module onto a new 2023 Ford E450 4 |
Tue 5/10/22 |
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2022-27 |
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Braun NW through the Houston Galveston Area Cooperative Purchasing Program (HGAC) for the purchase of a new 2023 North Star 171-1 module ambulance# AMCA07. |
Tue 5/10/22 |
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2022-25 |
A Resolution approving the award of a Professional Services Contract to Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. for the Solids Capacity Improvement Project 60%, 90%, 100%, and Bid Services, Project 2019-10. |
Tue 4/26/22 |
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2022-24 |
A Resolution Approving Entering into a Contract with KeyBank. |
Tue 4/26/22 |
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2022-23 |
Resolution conducting a public hearing for the McMinnville City Council to obtain Citizen' views about the 2019 Housing Rehabilitation Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and to take comments about the local government's performance. |
Tue 4/26/22 |
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2022-20 |
Resolution Revising Paragraph F of Resolution No. 2019-35 Regarding the Franchise Fee for Wastewater Services. |
Tue 4/26/22 |
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2022-19 |
A Resolution Establishing an In-Lieu-Of Tax Payment of Six Percent (6%) by the Water and Light Commission to the City of McMinnville from the Electric Utility and Repealing Resolution Nos. 1988-31, 1990-4, and 2003-14. |
Tue 4/26/22 |
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2022-18 |
A Resolution Awarding the Contract for the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan Update (PROS Plan Update), to MIG. |
Tue 5/10/22 |
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2022-17 |
A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the Lease between the City of McMinnville (Lessor) and Gary Wells and Alison Row (collectively, Lessee). |
Tue 4/12/22 |
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2022-16 |
A Resolution providing for and approving a form of contract by and between the City of McMinnville, Oregon and the McMinnville Rural Fire Protection District. |
Tue 4/12/22 |
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2022-15 |
A Resolution Approving Entering into a Contract for Water Assistance Provisions with Yamhill Community Action Partnership (YCAP). |
Tue 3/8/22 |
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2022-14 |
A Resolution of the City of McMinnville appointing Michael Videtich Judge Pro Tempore of the McMinnville Municipal Court. |
Tue 2/22/22 |
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2022-13 |
A Resolution of the City of McMinnville appointing David G. Hansen as Judge Pro Tempore of the McMinnville Municipal Court. |
Tue 2/22/22 |
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2022-12 |
A Resolution of the City of McMinnville Approving a Cost Sharing Agreement with McMinnville Rural Fire Protection District. |
Tue 2/22/22 |
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2022-11 |
A Resolution Appointing Members to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee. |
Tue 2/22/22 |
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2022-10 |
A Resolution of the City of McMinnville Approving Change Order #1 to the Contract for the Water Reclamation Facility Administration Building Re-Roof Project. |
Tue 2/22/22 |
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2022-09 |
A Resolution authorizing the approval of a cooperative fund exchange agreement between the City of McMinnville and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) known as Fund Exchange Program (FEX) Agreement No. G001-T041620. |
Tue 2/8/22 |
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2022-08 |
A Resolution appointing Victoria Ernst as representative of the City of McMinnville Budget Committee. |
Tue 2/8/22 |
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2022-07 |
A Resolution adopting a supplemental budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 and making supplemental appropriations. |
Tue 3/8/22 |
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2022-06 |
Resolution adopting a supplemental budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 and making supplemental appropriations via lntrafund Transfers and Contingency Transfers. |
Tue 1/25/22 |
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2022-05 |
Resolution initiating the proceedings and setting a date and time for a public hearing to vacate a portion of SE Clay Street (RV 1-21). |
Tue 1/25/22 |
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2022-04 |
A Resolution for the City of McMinnville, Oregon Ratifying the Declaration of State of Emergency signed by Mayor Scott A. Hill on January 6, 2022. |
Tue 1/11/22 |
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2022-03 |
A Resolution approving code compliance liens on properties to recover unpaid corrective action cost and civil penalty citations. |
Tue 1/25/22 |
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2022-02 |
A Resolution appointing Cherry Haas as a representative of the City of McMinnville Budget Committee. |
Tue 1/11/22 |
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2022-01 |
A Resolution authorizing an extension to the Goods and Services Contract with Garten Services, Inc. for Janitorial Services. |
Tue 1/11/22 |
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