2021-09 |
A Resolution to Submit a Letter of Support for The Housing Authority of Yamhill County's Funding Request to Oregon Housing and Community Services for Affordable Housing in McMinnville.. |
Tue 2/23/21 |
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2021-08 |
A Resolution Appointing a Member to the Affordable Housing Committee. |
Tue 2/23/21 |
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2021-07 |
A Resolution for City of McMinnville, Oregon Extending the City's Declaration of State of Emergency Expressed in Resolution 2020-18. |
Tue 2/23/21 |
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2021-06 |
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Personal Services Agreement with Emergency Services Consulting International (ESCI) for a Cost /Budget Analysis & Standards of Cover for work related to the Fire Department Consolidation Efforts. |
Tue 2/9/21 |
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2021-05 |
A Resolution authorizing the approval of a cooperative fund exchange agreement between the City of McMinnville and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) known as Fund Exchange Program (FEX) Agreement No. 34653. |
Tue 1/26/21 |
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2021-04 |
A Resolution authorizing the approval of Cooperative Improvement Agreement No. 34513 and Intergovernmental Agreement No. 34613 with the Oregon Department of Transportation, related to the Three Mile Lane Bridge replacement project. |
Tue 1/26/21 |
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2021-03 |
A Resolution Appointing Members to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. |
Tue 2/9/21 |
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2021-02 |
A Resolution approving the award of a Personal Services Contract to Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. for an Infrastructure-Based Time Extension Request (IBTER) Analysis as required by HB 2001 and OAR 660-046-0300. |
Tue 1/26/21 |
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2021-01 |
A Resolution appointing members to the Airport Commission. |
Tue 1/12/21 |
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2020-70 |
A Resolution appointing and re-appointing members to the various Boards, Committees, and Commissions. |
Tue 12/8/20 |
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2020-69 |
A Resolution of the City of McMinnville Approving a Personal Services Contract with Erskine Law Practice, LLC to Provide City Prosecutorial Services. |
Tue 12/8/20 |
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2020-68 |
A Resolution approving the issuance of the certificate for the canvass of the returns of the votes cast at the General Election conducted on November 3, 2020, electing of three City Councilors and Mayor. |
Tue 12/8/20 |
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2020-67 |
A Resolution Adopting the City of McMinnville Representation in the Updates to the Yamhill County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan. |
Tue 12/8/20 |
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2020-66 |
A Resolution initiating the proceedings and setting a date and time for a public hearing to vacate SE Chandler Avenue east of SE Davis Street (RV 1-20) |
Tue 12/8/20 |
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2020-65 |
A Resolution appointing Debbie Harmon Ferry and Meredith Maxfield as representatives of the City of McMinnville Budget Committee. |
Tue 11/10/20 |
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2020-64 |
A Resolution for City of McMinnville, Oregon Extending the City's Declaration of State of Emergency Expressed in Resolution 2020-18. |
Tue 10/27/20 |
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2020-63 |
A Resolution appointing Hadleigh Heller as a youth liaison to the McMinnville Historic Landmarks Committee. |
Tue 10/13/20 |
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2020-62 |
A Resolution Adopting a Reserve and Fund Balance Policy |
Tue 10/13/20 |
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2020-61 |
A Resolution of the City of McMinnville Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Second Amendment to the Personal Services Agreement with Ballard*King & Associates, Ltd. to continue the Facilities and Recreation Master Plan and Feasibility Study Project. |
Tue 10/27/20 |
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2020-60 |
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Personal Services Contract with Landis Consulting Engineering Services, Inc. in the amount "not to exceed" $64,800 for engineering design and construction support services for the WRF and RSPS Emer |
Tue 10/13/20 |
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2020-59 |
A Resolution for City of McMinnville, Oregon Extending the City's Declaration of State of Emergency Expressed in Resolution 2020-18. |
Tue 9/22/20 |
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2020-58 |
A Resolution awarding the contract for the Apron & Taxilane Rehabilitation Project, Project 2017-10. |
Tue 9/22/20 |
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2020-57 |
A Resolution approving Task Order No. 2 to the Personal Services Contract for utility construction services related to the Three Mile Lane Bridge replacement project. |
Tue 9/8/20 |
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2020-56 |
A Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of McMinnville and McMinnville Water & Light related to the Three Mile Lane Bridge replacement project utility construction services. |
Tue 9/8/20 |
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2020-55 |
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the forthcoming grant offer from the Federal Aviation Administration relative to the construction of the McMinnville Municipal Airport Apron & Taxilane Rehabilitation project contingent upon the City At |
Tue 9/8/20 |
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