
Format: 2025
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2023-36 A Resolution declaring the City's election to receive certain state shared revenues. Tue 6/27/23 Link
2023-35 A Resolution extending workers' compensation coverage to City of McMinnville volunteers. Tue 6/27/23 Link
2023-34 A Resolution authorizing the approval of an Intergovernmental Grant Agreement between the City of McMinnville and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the Safe Routes to School Program: Sue Buel Elementary and Patton Middle School Pedestrian Saf Tue 6/27/23 Link
2023-33 A Resolution approving the Final Order of the County Commission Forming the McMinnville Fire District (attached Exhibit 1) and consenting to the formation of a fire district incorporating the McMinnville city limits. Tue 6/27/23 Link
2023-32 A Resolution adopting a supplemental budget for fiscal year 2022-2023 and making supplemental appropriations and Contingency Transfers. Tue 6/13/23 Link
2023-31 A Resolution approving the award of a Professional Services Contract to Century West Engineering Airport Master Plan Update, Project 2022 - 10 Tue 5/23/23 Link
2023-30 A Resolution providing for certain increases to the Fire Department fee schedule that allows the Fire Department to recover costs for Fire and EMS services allowed within City ordinances 4300 and 4649, and the International Fire Code as adopted by the Sta Tue 6/13/23 Link
2023-29 A Resolution adopting a supplemental budget for fiscal year 2022-2023 and making supplemental appropriations and Contingency Transfers Tue 5/23/23 Link
2023-28 A Resolution appointing a volunteer to the Planning Commission. Tue 5/23/23 Link
2023-27 A Resolution establishing revised sanitary sewer user fees; and repealing Resolution 2019-35 and 2022-20. Tue 5/23/23 Link
2023-26 A Resolution adopting a Building Fee Schedule and repealing all previous resolutions adopting building fee schedules on the effective date of this fee schedule. Tue 6/27/23 Link
2023-25 A Resolution adopting a Planning Fee Schedule and repealing all previous resolutions adopting planning fee schedules at the time this fee schedule becomes effective. Tue 6/27/23 Link
2023-24 A Resolution of the City of McMinnville Approving a Collection Rate Increase Not to Exceed 4% for Recology Inc. Tue 5/23/23 Link
2023-23 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to Construction Contracts with Fackler Construction Company for the Construction of the ANYDOOR Place, a McMinnville Navigation Center. Tue 5/9/23 Link
2023-22 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a subgrantee agreement with Yamhill Community Action Partnership for pre-construction and construction reimbursement for applicable expenses incurred between July 07, 2021, through June 30, 2023 for Tue 5/9/23 Link
2023-21 A Resolution approving the award of a Construction Project to J.W. Fowler, Inc. for the SOLIDS TREATMENT CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Project Number 2019-10, and authorizing a construction contingency. Tue 5/9/23 Link
2023-20 A Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to the December 10, 2021, Professional Services Agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. (Jacobs) for Services During Construction of the SOLIDS TREATMENT CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, Project No. 2019-10 (Proj Tue 5/9/23 Link
2023-19 A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of McMinnville approving allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Tue 4/25/23 Link
2023-17 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a contract with Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon in the amount of $235,000 for McMinnville Loan Forgiveness Program. Tue 4/11/23 Link
2023-16 A Resolution awarding the contract for the 2023 Slurry Seal project, Project 2023-1, to Doolittle Construction LLC. Tue 4/11/23 Link
2023-15 A Resolution adopting an updated edition of the Airport Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Activities. Tue 3/28/23 Link
2023-14 A Resolution amending the City of McMinnville American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Project, entitled "Navigation Center" Tue 3/28/23 Link
2023-13 A Resolution appointing a representative to the Economic Vitality Leadership Council. Tue 3/28/23 Link
2023-12 A Resolution Appointing Members to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Tue 2/28/23 Link
2023-11 A Resolution authorizing the approval of an intergovernmental agreement between the city of McMinnville and the city of Toledo Oregon regarding Municipal Judge appointments Tue 3/14/23 Link
