
Format: 2025
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2016-5 Resolution No. 2016-5 Tue 1/26/16 Link
2016-49 A Resolution authorizing and approving amendments to the loan agreement, between the State of Oregon acting by and through its Department of Transportation ("ODOT") and the City of McMinnville, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon ("McMinnville" Tue 7/12/16 Link
2016-48 Authorizing the City Manager to execute the forthcoming grant offer from the FAA relative to the Airport Improvement Project contingent upon the City Attorney's review. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-47 Approving a Personal Services Agreement between the City of McMinnville and Doug Montgomery. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-46 Adopting the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016; to make the appropriations; to impose the property taxes; and to categorize the property taxes. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-45 Making budgetary transfers for fiscal year 2015-2016. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-44 Adopting a supplemental budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 and making supplemental appropriations. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-43 Authorizing and directing the entry into a contract for the provision of janitorial services at various City facilities. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-42 Approving the acquistion of property from Ninety Degrees, LLC for the 5th Street transportaion bond project. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-41 Approving Task Order No. 3 to the Personal Services Contract for the design of the 5th Street and Alpine Avenue transportaion bond measure projects. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-40 Awarding the contract for the NE 5th Street Improvements Project, Project 2015-10. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-4 Resolution No. 2016-4 Tue 1/26/16 Link
2016-39 Awarding the contract for professional services to John Heiser M.D. for the McMinnville Fire Department. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-38 Supporting the City of McMinnville's ongoing participation as a member of the Yamhill County Affordable Housing Corporation, and appoint the Principal Plannner as the successor to the current board member. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-37 Appointing McMinnville's Prinicpal Planner as the successor to the current Certifying Officer Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-36 Contract by and between the City of McMinnville, Oregon and the McMinnville Rural Fire Protectin District. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-35 New fee schedule for ambulance services provide by the City of McMinnville. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-34 Extending workers' compensation coverage to City of McMinnville volunteers Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-33 Certifying provision of municipal services by the City of McMinnville as required by ORS 221.760 Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-32 Declaring the City's election to receive certain state shared revenues. Tue 6/28/16 Link
2016-31 Approving the Lease of Airport Property, FBO Services, and Airport Manger Services to Konect Aviation Oregon , LLC. Tue 6/14/16 Link
2016-30 Award of the contract for the construction of the 2016 Slurry Seal, Project 2016-9. Tue 6/14/16 Link
2016-3 Resolution No. 2016-3 Tue 1/26/16 Link
2016-29 Awarding the contract for the construction of the 2016 Street Repair & Repaving Transportation Bond Project. Tue 5/24/16 Link
2016-28 Approving Lease between McMinnville and Good Olds Pace (Cornerstone Coffee) Tue 5/10/16 Link
