2017-29 |
A Resolution awarding the contract for the OR 99W at 2nd Street Signal Replacement Project 2015-17. |
Tue 4/25/17 |
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2017-28 |
A Resolution adopting a policy for the City of McMinnville Community Contributions Program. |
Tue 4/11/17 |
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2017-27 |
A Resolution appointing Kyle Lake, Peter Hofstetter, and Drew Millegan as representatives of the City of McMinnville Budget Committee. |
Tue 4/11/17 |
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2017-26 |
A Resolution ratifying a collective bargaining agreement between the City of McMinnville and the McMinnville Police Association (MPA) for wages only for the period starting July 1, 2017. |
Tue 3/28/17 |
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2017-25 |
A Resolution approving the initiation of a Property Line Adjustment between the City and Jackson Family Wines, and granting an Access and Utility Easement on City owned property to Jackson Family Wines. |
Tue 3/28/17 |
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2017-24 |
A Resolution amending Resolution 2016-88, authorizing the acquisition of property for the NW Hill Road transportation bond project, Project 2015-16, and exercising the power of imminent domain. |
Tue 3/28/17 |
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2017-23 |
A Resolution ratifying a collective bargaining agreement between the City of McMinnville and the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 3099 (IAFF) for wages only for the period starting July 1, 2017. |
Tue 3/14/17 |
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2017-22 |
A Resolution adopting a new rate schedule for Municipal Court fees and revoking Resolution No. 2015-31. |
Tue 3/14/17 |
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2017-21 |
A Resolution awarding the contract for the 2017 Steel Mill Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP) Project, Project 2017-1. |
Tue 3/14/17 |
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2017-20 |
A Resolution approving the dedication of right-of-way from City properties for the OR 99W at 2nd Street Signal Replacement transportation bond project. |
Wed 3/15/17 |
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2017-19 |
A Resolution approving the acquisition of property from First Federal Savings and Loan for the OR 99W at 2nd Street Signal Replacement transportation bond project. |
Wed 3/15/17 |
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2017-18 |
A Resolution approving Task Orders No. 4 & 5 to the Personal Services Contract with Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. for design of O.R. 99W at 2nd Street signal replacement & 1st & 2nd Street pedestrian improvements transportation bond measure projects. |
Tue 3/14/17 |
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2017-17 |
A Resolution awarding the purchase of one (1) Used/ Refurbished Wildland Interface Engine by the Fire Department. |
Tue 2/28/17 |
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2017-16 |
A Resolution appointing Erin Butler and Susan Dirks as representatives of the Planning Commission. |
Tue 2/28/17 |
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2017-15 |
A Resolution approving the KeyBank Business/ Public Entity Depository Certificate Resolution and authorizing its signing by the Finance Director. |
Tue 2/14/17 |
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2017-14 |
A Resolution amending the Interim City Manager Employment Agreement. |
Tue 2/14/17 |
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2017-13 |
A Resolution approving an Employment Agreement with Jeffrey Towery. |
Tue 2/14/17 |
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2017-12 |
A Resolution establishing a list of firms qualified to provide consulting services related to the design and construction of sanitary sewer rehabilitation and repair projects. |
Tue 2/14/17 |
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2017-11 |
A Resolution awarding the contract for the NE Alpine Improvments Project, Project 2016-8. |
Tue 2/14/17 |
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2017-10 |
A Resolution awarding the contract for the construction of City Park Renovarions, Project No. 2016-12. |
Tue 2/14/17 |
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2017-08 |
A Resolution authorizing the approval of a cooperative fund exchange agreement between the City of McMinnville and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) know as 2017 Fund Exchange Agreement, No. 31871 |
Tue 2/14/17 |
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2017-07 |
A Resolution establishing revised sanitary sewer user fees; and replealing Resolution No. 2016-3. |
Tue 1/24/17 |
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2017-06 |
A Resolution establishing revised System Development Charges (SDCs) pertaining to parks and recreation, sanitary sewer, and transportation; and replealing Resolution NO. 2007-4 and Section 2 of Resolutio No. 2015-24. |
Tue 1/24/17 |
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2017-05 |
A Resolution delegating public contracting authority to the City Manager. |
Tue 1/24/17 |
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2017-04 |
A Resolution of the City of McMinnville accepting the Annual Financial Report for the McMinnville Urban Renewal Agency for Fiscal Year Ended June 30th, 2016, per Oregon Revised Statue 457.460. |
Tue 1/24/17 |
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