2017-03 |
A Resolution to declare the City of McMinnville as an Inclusive City for all persons, regardless of race, color, national origin, immigration or refugee status, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, mental, emot |
Tue 1/10/17 |
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2017-02 |
A Resolution approving the City Manager or designee to enter into and manage a contract with PlanB Consultancy, Inc. (PlanB) for accounting services in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00. |
Tue 1/10/17 |
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2017-01 |
A Resolution approving the City Manager or designee to enter into and manage a contract with Smith-Wagar Brucker Consulting, LLC for budgetary and financial planning consulting services in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00. |
Tue 1/10/17 |
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2016-93 |
Approving issuance of the certificate for the canvaass of returns of votes cast November 8, 2016, General Election in regard to Measure 36-181 "Imposing city tax on marijuana retailer's sale of marijuana items" & the election of 3 Councilors & Mayor |
Tue 12/13/16 |
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2016-92 |
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager or designee to enter into and manage a contract with ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems for replacement of front vestibule doors at the Library in an amount not to exceed $20,000. |
Tue 12/13/16 |
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2016-91 |
A Resolution approving Task Order No. 4 to the Personal Services contract for the design of 5th Street and Alpine Avenue transporation bond measure projects. |
Tue 12/13/16 |
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2016-90 |
A Resolution appointing and re-appointing members to the various Boards, Committees, Commissions, and Task Force. |
Tue 12/13/16 |
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2016-9 |
Resolution No. 2016-9 |
Tue 2/23/16 |
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2016-89 |
A Resolution appointing Lori Schanche as representative for Ward 1 of the Planning Commission. |
Tue 12/13/16 |
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2016-88 |
A Resolution authorizing the acquisition of property for the NW Hill Road transportation bond project, and exercising the power of eminent domain. |
Tue 12/13/16 |
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2016-87 |
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager or designee to enter into and manage a Personal Services Contract for transcription services with Susan Wood. |
Tue 12/13/16 |
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2016-86 |
A Resolution confirming procedures for the hiring of a City Manager. |
Tue 11/22/16 |
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2016-85 |
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into & manage a Marijuana Tax Collection Agreement betewen the State of OR, acting by & through its Department of Revenue & the City of McMinnville for the collection & enforcement of local marijuana tax |
Tue 11/22/16 |
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2016-84 |
A Resolution approving the extension of a lease between the City of McMinnville and Good Olds Pace, LLC doing business as Cornerstone Coffee. |
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2016-83 |
A Resolution authorizing the acquisition of property for the OR 99W at 2nd Street Signal Replacement transportation bond project, and exercising the power of eminent domain. |
Tue 11/22/16 |
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2016-81 |
A Resolution establishing reduced permit fees (building and planning) for affordable housing projects. |
Tue 11/8/16 |
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2016-80 |
A Resolution authorizing the City Attorney to enter into and manage a Personal Services Contract for on-call legal support services with Beery, Elsner and Hammond, LLP |
Tue 11/8/16 |
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2016-8 |
Resolution No. 2016-8 |
Tue 2/9/16 |
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2016-79 |
A Resolution approving an Interim City Manager Employment Agreement. |
Tue 10/25/16 |
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2016-78 |
A Resolution No. 2016-78: A Resolution approving Funding Agreement with the McMinnville Rural Fire Protection District ("District") for the purchase of a rural fire protection engine. |
Tue 10/25/16 |
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2016-77 |
A Resolution amending the fiscal year 2016-2017 budget and authorizing the expenditure of grant funds. |
Tue 10/25/16 |
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2016-77 |
A Resolution amending the fiscal year 2016-2017 budget and authorizing the expenditure of grant funds. |
Tue 10/25/16 |
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2016-76 |
A Resolution adopting a Supplemental Budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 and making supplemental appropriations for redemption of the City's PERS transition liability. |
Tue 10/25/16 |
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2016-75 |
A Resolution approving Task Order No. 1 to the Personal Services Contract for the design of the Ford Street Sidewalk Improvements and Pedestrian Safety Improvements transportation bond measure projects. |
Tue 10/25/16 |
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2016-74 |
A Resolution amending the contract with Century West Engineering, Inc. for the Runway 4-22 Rehabilitation Project at the McMinnville Municipal Airport, Project No. 2014-1. |
Tue 10/25/16 |
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