2020-28 |
A Resolution for City of McMinnville, Oregon Extending the City’s Declaration of State of Emergency Expressed in Resolution 2020-18. |
Tue 4/28/20 |
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2020-27 |
A Resolution authorizing the approval of a cooperative fund exchange agreement between the City of McMinnville and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) known as 2020 Fund Exchange Agreement, No. 34129. |
Tue 4/28/20 |
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2020-26 |
A Resolution awarding a Contract for the Old Sheridan Road Improvements transportation bond project, Project 2017-6, to K&E Excavating. |
Tue 4/28/20 |
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2020-25 |
A Resolution authorizing a budgetary transfer of resources and appropriation authority for fiscal year 2019-2020 of the Ambulance Fund to the General Fund – Fire Department. |
Tue 4/14/20 |
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2020-24 |
A Resolution authorizing the closure of one fund, the Ambulance Fund, and authorizing the change of the Building Fund from an enterprise fund to a special revenue fund. |
Tue 4/14/20 |
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2020-23 |
A Resolution making a budgetary transfer of resources and appropriation authority for fiscal year 2019-2020 in the Wastewater Capital Fund and General Fund Fund budgets. |
Tue 4/14/20 |
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2020-22 |
A Resolution authorizing an interfund loan from the Wastewater Capital Fund to the General Fund. |
Tue 4/14/20 |
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2020-21 |
A Resolution awarding a Contract for the for the 2020 Spring Street Repair, Project No. 2020-1, to K&E Paving Inc., dba H&H Paving. |
Tue 4/14/20 |
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2020-20 |
A Resolution awarding a Contract for the McMinnville Municipal Airport Jet A Fueling System, Project No. 2019-8, to Mascott Equipment. |
Tue 4/14/20 |
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2020-19 |
A Resolution approving the award of a Personal Services Contract to Jacobs for Phase 1 of the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Biosolids Storage Tank and Grit System Expansion, Project 2019-10. |
Tue 3/24/20 |
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2020-18 |
A Resolution for City of McMinnville, Oregon Ratifying the Declaration of State of Emergency signed by Mayor Scott Hill on March 16, 2020. |
Tue 3/24/20 |
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2020-17 |
A Resolution approving the acquisition of property and\or temporary construction easements from Jackson Miller and Kathleen Spring, Gary and Paula Mackey, and Brandi Pointer for the Old Sheridan Road Improvements transportation bond project. |
Tue 2/25/20 |
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2020-16 |
A Resolution Adopting Corrective Plan of Action for FY 2018-2019 Audit Findings. |
Tue 2/25/20 |
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2020-15 |
A Resolution appointing members to the McMinnville Urban Area Management Commission. |
Tue 2/25/20 |
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2020-14 |
A Resolution establishing revised System Development Charges (SDCs) pertaining to parks and recreation, sanitary sewer, and transportation; and repealing Resolution No. 2019- 09. |
Tue 2/25/20 |
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2020-13 |
A Resolution appointing Peter Hofstetter, Alison Seiler, and Wendy Phoenix as representatives of the City of McMinnville Budget Committee. |
Tue 2/25/20 |
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2020-12 |
A Resolution awarding the contract for the Lafayette CIPP Project, Project 2019- 12. |
Tue 2/11/20 |
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2020-11 |
A Resolution Approving Code Compliance Liens on Properties to Recover Unpaid Corrective Action Cost and Civil Penalty Citations. |
Tue 2/11/20 |
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2020-10 |
A Resolution amending the composition of the Affordable Housing Task Force, and appointing members to the Task Force. |
Tue 2/11/20 |
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2020-09 |
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract to purchase real property from Yamhill County for affordable housing. |
Tue 2/25/20 |
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2020-08 |
A Resolution adopting the Affordable Housing Action Plan, 2020 - 2022. |
Tue 2/11/20 |
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2020-07 |
A Resolution appointing members to the Enrichment Services Advisory Committee. |
Tue 1/14/20 |
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2020-06 |
A Resolution appointing members to the McMinnville Planning Commission. |
Tue 1/14/20 |
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2020-05 |
A Resolution of the City of McMinnville accepting the Annual Financial Report for the McMinnville Urban Renewal Agency for Fiscal Year Ended June 30th, 2019, per Oregon Revised Statute 457.460. |
Tue 1/14/20 |
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2020-04 |
Approving an IGA between the City of McMinnville and McMinnville Water & Light for design and construction services related to new public water main & electrical facility improvements for the Old Sheridan Road Transportation measure project. |
Tue 1/14/20 |
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