
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2018-51 A Resolution amending the composition and scope of charge of the Affordable Housing Task Force. Tue 9/11/18 Link
2018-50 A Resolution authorizing the release of an existing public walkway easement, located in the City of McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon. Tue 9/25/18 Link
2018-49 A Resolution authorizing the release of an existing power line easement, located in the City of McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon. Tue 8/28/18 Link
2018-48 A Resolution awarding the Personal Services Contract for the comprehensive, professional condition assessment of City and McMinnville Water & Light facilities. Tue 8/28/18 Link
2018-47 A Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of McMinnville and McMinnville Water & Light related to the condition assessment of City and McMinnville Water & Light facilities. Tue 8/28/18 Link
2018-46 A Resolution approving the donation of a temporary easement to the Oregon Department of Transportation for the Three Mile Land Bridge replacement project. Tue 8/28/18 Link
2018-45 A Resolution approving three exemptions to Public Contracting Rules for the Water Reclamation Facility Tertiary Treatment Expansion Project, pursuant to ORS 279C.345. Tue 9/11/18 Link
2018-44 A Resolution accepting the grant offer and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the Airport Improvement Project. Tue 8/14/18 Link
2018-43 A Resolution approving Task Order No. 1 to the Personal Services Contract for the design of the Old Sheridan Roards Improvements, Project 2017-6. Tue 8/14/18 Link
2018-42 A Resolution awarding the contract for the Senior Center Roof Replacement Project, Project 2018-4. Tue 7/10/18 Link
2018-41 A Resolution Amending the City Manager's Employment Agreement. Tue 6/26/18 Link
2018-40 A Resolution adopting the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018; making the appropriations; imposing the property taxes; and categorizing the property taxes. Tue 6/26/18 Link
2018-39 A Resolution adopting a new fee schedule for ambulance services provided by the City of McMinnville and repealing Resolution No. 2017-45. Tue 6/26/18 Link
2018-38 A Resolution making a budgetary transfer of appropriation authority for fiscal year 2017-2018. Tue 6/26/18 Link
2018-37 A Resolution making a budgetary transfer of appropriation authority for fiscal year 2017-2018. Tue 6/26/18 Link
2018-36 A Resolution adopting a supplemental budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 and making supplemental appropriations. Tue 6/26/18 Link
2018-35 A Resolution providing for and approving a form of contract by and between the City of McMinnville, Oregon and the McMinnville Rural Fire Protection District. Tue 6/26/18 Link
2018-34 A Resolution extending workers' compensation coverage to City of McMinnville volunteers. Tue 6/26/18 Link
2018-33 A Resolution certifying provision of municipal services by the City of McMinnville as required by ORS 221.760. Tue 6/26/18 Link
2018-32 A Resolution declaring the City's election to receive certain state shared revenues. Tue 6/26/18 Link
2018-31 A Resolution approving the award of the City Facilities Janitorial Services Contract, Project 2018-3. Tue 6/12/18 Link
2018-30 A Resolution awarding the contract for the 1st Street & 2nd Street Pedestrian Improvements Projects, Project 2017-7. Tue 6/12/18 Link
2018-29 A Resolution awarding the contract for the 12th Street Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project 2017-4. Tue 6/12/18 Link
2018-28 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a contract with McMinnville Economic Development Partnership in the amount of $73,650.00 for the development and delivery of the Oregon WORKS program. Tue 6/12/18 Link
2018-27 A Resolution increasing appropriations for fiscal year 2017-2018 and authorizing expenditure of grand funds. Tue 6/12/18 Link
