Parks and Recreation

Free Tiny Tots

9:00a-1:30p, Community Center basement

Drop-in and socialize for free in the Tiny Tots playroom

Find more Winter Fun events here

Deadline for Youth Basketball (2nd-5th grade)

Register online at, call 503-434-7310, or visit the Community Center. 

Adaptive Programming Icon

Everyone is welcome to attend McMinnville Parks and Recreation programs and facilities regardless of ability, background, culture, religion, gender, or economic circumstances.


February 9th, 7:30-9pm Racket Games at the Community Center $2


*Teens are current middle and high school students


3 children running


For updated city information and Parks and Recreation updates/cancellations, click here


Engage your young ones in this interactive parent-involved preschool class. Classes will focus on improving fine and gross motor skills while having a blast with exciting games and meeting new friends.
Ages 2-4 | 5:30-6:15p | Fee: $32/$36


Join us in the gym for some game time activities! Ping Pong, Pickleball and more! FREE!

Date/Time: Tues, Mar 26, 3:00-5:00 pm
Location: McMinnville Community Center, 600 NE Evans St
