Transitional Housing Open House - Notice of Potential Quorum of Affordable Housing Committee Members - 12/03/2024
Calendar Date:
Transitional Housing Open House
Tuesday December 3rd from 5:30-7:00PM
Held In-Person at Taylor Kent Civic Hall, 200 NE 2nd St. (corner of 2nd St and Baker)
Project Webpage -
What is Transitional Housing?
- Housing for people who cannot achieve stable housing for a variety of reasons
- Temporary home (6 months-2 years) to provide people with security and stability
- Residents are given access to health and social services, training, and counseling
- Not intended for individuals experiencing chronic houselessness with higher needs
Why is there a focus on Transitional Housing?
- Affordable Housing Committee recognized Transitional Housing as a policy priority
- Identified to be a key missing part of available housing options in McMinnville
- Offers a cost-effective way to provide housing for vulnerable populations
- Planning Commission is reviewing new land use regulations for adoption
What can you expect from the Open House?
- Hear from local service providers who are advocating for transitional housing
- Understand more about the issues leading to housing insecurity
- See what the City’s Affordable Housing Committee has recommended
- Ask questions and provide input on the proposed land use regulations
12/03/24 - Possible quorum of the Affordable Housing Committee may be attending the Transitional Housing Open House at Civic Hall 200 NE Second Street (open to the public) from 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. Although a possible quorum of the several committees may be present for the event, this is not an official City Council, Planning Commission, or Affordable Housing Committee Meeting, and no deliberations towards any decisions will be taken.