Budget 2019-2020
Finance Department 2019-2020 Adopted Budget
Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 294.305 through 294.565, also known as Oregon Local Budget Law, regulates the proposal, approval, and final adoption of the City's annual budget. In mid-May, the City Manager, who is the City's Budget Officer, proposes a budget to the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee is comprised of the Mayor and City Council, and an equal number of citizens for a total of 14 members. The Budget Committee receives input from the public and approves the Proposed Budget as presented or as amended.
After a Financial Summary of the Approved Budget is published, the City Council, at its first meeting in June, holds a public hearing to receive public input on the Budget Committee's Approved Budget. At the last Council meeting in June, the City Council adopts the budget for the next fiscal year.
The City's fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30.
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