Personal Support/ Health Services
Health Services
Blood Pressure Checks
Every Wednesday.................................................................... 10:30am - 11:00am
Cost .................................................................................................. FREE!
Hands Only CPR / AED
In this non-certified class, you will learn a Lifesaving Technique by offering Hands-Only CPR to a person in need. You will also learn the importance of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator), when they are needed and how to use one. Register in Advance; Space is limited
Instructor: Nancy Law, McMinnville Fire and Life Safety Volunteer
Mon, Jan 13 ............................ 10:00 – 12:00p ............................ $5
Mon, Mar 10 ............................ 10:00 – 12:00p ............................ $5
Smart Driver Course - AARP
A class designed to help sharpen driving skills, prevent crashes, and keep older drivers on the road longer and more safely. Completion of the course could result in a reduction of your insurance premium. Participants must attend both days. Pre-registration is required.
Mon/Tues Jan 27, 28 ......... 12:00 – 3:30p ......................... $20/25
Mon/Tues Mar 24, 25 ......... 9:30a – 1:00p ......................... $20/25
Personal Support
Caregivers Resources
We welcome family or in home caregivers of spouses, partners, parents whether in home or facility. We focus on helping the caregiver with resources as well as knowledge. Strict confidentiality is adhered to. No fees or obligations, just warmth, understanding, support and assistance.
1st & 3rd Tues ..................... 1:00 – 2:30p ............................... FREE!
Grief Support Group
Brighton hospice, the Yamhill County Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist, and the McMinnville Senior Center invite you to a grief support group that will provide you an open forum to share your experiences, give you an opportunity to talk, share stories, and help you learn ways to cope with your grief/loss with others who have experienced it. This group will allow those who have lost a loved one to share their struggles with others and receive peer support.
Whether your loss was recently or ten years ago, all are welcome.
3rd Thurs .............................. 2:00 - 3:00p .............................. FREE!