
Registration for Spring Soccer is open.

Link to online registration


Financial Assistance Program: If you are seeking financial assistance visit Financial Assistance. Limited scholarships available. 

Cleat Swap information

Coaches' meeting: February 26



Get ready to play! Practices scheduled by volunteer coaches. Practices may take place at Joe Dancer, or surrounding parks/schools. Separate leagues by grade for boys and girls. All games in this 8-game season will be played at Joe Dancer Park. Leagues may be combined depending on registration numbers.

Spring Soccer: March 15-May 10

  • Registration will open Monday, December 2nd and the deadline is February 8th, 2025. Coaches’ meeting will take place on Feb 26. Coaches will contact you directly with practice and game schedule after the meeting.
  • K and 1st grade $50 resident/$60 non-resident. 2nd-6th grade $60 resident/$70 non-resident.



Kindergarten Girls

Kindergarten Boys

1st Grade Girls

1st Grade Boys

2nd Grade Girls

2nd Grade Boys

3rd Grade Girls

3rd Grade Boys

4th Grade Girls (may combine with 5th/6th if needed)

5th/6th Grade Girls

4th Grade Boys

5th/6th Grade Boys


Volunteer coaches are needed! Mark the box at registration or contact for more information. 


League Structure (field size is approximate):

Kindergarten and 1st grade

  • Separate boys and girls league playing 4 v 4, no goalie, no offside, 20 x 25 yd field. Teams will use a split field method—each team splits into two teams and plays on fields side by side against an opposing split team.

2nd - 3rd grade

  • Separate boys and girls league playing 7 v 7, no offside, 30 x 55 yd field. 

4th - 6th grade

  • Separate boys and girls league playing 7 v 7, offside in effect, 42 x 65 yd field. 

Everyone Plays

  • Our goal is for kids to play soccer, so every player on every team plays in every game.  It’s no fun to spend the game on the bench and that’s no way to learn soccer!

Open Registration

  • Our program is open to all children starting kindergarten through 6th grade who want to register and play soccer.  There are no try-outs and nobody gets cut.

Positive Coaching - Encouragement of player effort provides for greater enjoyment for the players and leads to better-skilled and better-motivated players.  A coach can be one of the most influential people in a child’s life, so we encourage them to create a positive experience for every player.

Good Sportsmanship

  • We strive to create a positive environment based on mutual respect rather than a win at all cost attitude.  Our program is designed to instill good sportsmanship among others.

Player Development

  • We believe that all players should be able to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities, both individually and as members of a team, in order to maximize their enjoyment of the game.