2026 City Council Elections
The next scheduled Council election will be held at the November 3, 2026, General Election, and will feature Council positions Councilor Sal Peralta (Ward 1), Councilor Zack Geary (Ward 2), Councilor Jessica Payne (Ward 3). The individuals elected in November 2026 will serve a four-year term beginning January 1, 2027 and ending December 31, 2030. City Council positions are non-paid, voluntary positions.
City Councilors are nominated and elected by the ward in which the candidate resides. Persons interested in running for office must file a petition and collect 50 signatures of qualified, legal voters of the ward in which the candidate is running. Candidates must reside in the ward they are running for office, be registered voters in the state of Oregon, and have lived in the City of McMinnville for 12 months immediately preceding their filing of candidate petition.
Last day to establish residency in city limits. | June TBD |
First day to file as candidate. | June TBD |
Strongly recommended deadline to submit signature sheets for verification to the city elections officer as sheets need to be verified with the County Clerk’s Office and verification can take up to a few days. | August TBD |
Last day for completion of all filing requirements. NOTE: Candidates are strongly recommended to submit signature sheets well in advance of the filing deadline or no later than August TBD, in order to provide sufficient time for signature verification. |
August TBD |
Last day to withdraw candidacy. | August TBD |
Last day to file candidate statement for inclusion in the Yamhill County Voter Pamphlet. | September TBD |
Last day to register to vote. | October TBD |
Election Day | November 3, 2026 |
Election results are certified at the City Council Regular Meeting. | December TBD |
Oath of Office administered to elected candidates. | January 12, 2027 |
City elections are governed by the laws and regulations of the City of McMinnville, Yamhill County, and the State of Oregon. See McMinnville's Charter for city-specific rules and see the links below for county and state election resources.
Hard copies of candidate packets are available by scheduled appointments, or when ready to file paperwork/have questions please call or email me to schedule an appointment. Claudia Cisneros at (503) 435-5702 or at claudia.cisneros@mcminnvilleoregon.gov.