City Council Regular Meeting (7:00 PM)
Calendar Date:
The McMinnville City Council met on June 11, 2024 and took the following actions:
Held Public Hearings for:
- Resolution No. 2024-31: A Resolution adopting a supplemental budget for fiscal year 2023-24 and making contingency transfers and repealing Resolution No. 2024-29
- Uses of State Revenue Sharing for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 as approved by the Budget Committee.
- The Proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget as approved by the Budget Committee.
Approved Resolutions:
2024-30: A Resolution approving the award of a Professional Services Contract to Century West Engineering Corporation for On Call Airport Engineering Consultant Services.
2024-31: A Resolution adopting a supplemental budget for fiscal year 2023-24 and making contingency transfers and repealing Resolution No. 2024-29.
2024-32: A Resolution authorizing amendments to interfund loans from the Wastewater Capital Fund to the General Fund for Capital Investments authorized by Council in June 2023.
Approved Ordinances:
5146: An Ordinance Approving a Zone Change from R-1 (Low-Density, 9000 SF Lot Residential Zone) to R-4 (Medium, High Density, 5000 SF Lot Residential Zone) for Property of Approximately 1 Acre Located at 2125 NW 2nd Street (Tax Lot R4419ac00300), Docket ZC 1- 24.
In other business:
Heard a presentation from Ryan Hartzell, Hagan Hamilton Insurance Solutions.
Heard a presentation regarding the Engineering Fee Schedule.
Proclaimed the month of July as Park and Recreation Month.
Proclaimed Juneteenth, June 19th, as an annual celebration of Black African American liberation's past, present, and future and those who continue the work to realize that liberation.
Proclaimed the month of June as LGBTQIA+ Pride Month
Approved OLCC Application request from Labor Wines LLC for Winery Primary Location
The public is strongly encouraged to relay concerns and comments to the Council, if unable to attend, in one of four ways:
- Email at any time up to 12 p.m. the day BEFORE the meeting to;
- If appearing via telephone only please sign up prior to the meeting by emailing the City Recorder at as the chat function is not available when calling in Zoom;
- Join the Zoom meeting; use the raise hand feature in Zoom to request to speak, once your turn is up we will announce your name and unmute your mic. You will need to provide your First and Last name, Address, and contact information (email or phone) to the City Recorder to fill out a comment sheet on your behalf. You do not need to state your address for the record when called to speak.
- Attend in person and fill out a public comment card
Meeting Accessibility Services and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice: Kent Taylor Civic Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made a least 48 hours before the meeting to the City Recorder (503) 435-5702 or
You can live broadcast the City Council Meeting on cable channels Xfinity 11 and 331, Frontier 29 or webstream here:
You may join online via Zoom Meeting:
Zoom ID: 850 3989 7291
Zoom Password: 156548
Or you can call in and listen: 1-253- 215- 8782
ID: 850 3989 7291