Fantastic Community Partners
Through the power of Community Partnership we are able to host some great programs! Check them out...

Mac High Swim Team (Grizzlies)
Partnership Program for over 65 Years!
With 5 State Titles, and numerous top 4 finishes and District Championships, this program has a proven history of producing great athletes and teams. Truly a sport for everyone, the coaches train and develop novice swimmers as well as national level competitors. Go Grizzlies!

McMinnville Swim Club (Makos)
Partnership Program for over 65 Years!
The MSC's mission is to promote the sport of swimming in the community with an emphasis on individual progression and team unity. We strive to develop excellence in our youth as citizens and athletes. Visit our Website. Go Makos!

Chemeketa Community College
Partnership Program for 15 Years!
Chemeketa Community College and the MAC have partnered for a "More Fit Tomorrow!" Receive college credit for working out. Contact Chemeketa Now at 503-584-7541. Visit our Website.

Ron Kam Survival Swimming Program
Partnership Program for over 45 Years!
Over 45 years ago, a youngster tragically drowned in a Perrydale farm pond. Each year since, McMinnville 3rd graders learn an important life skill: how to swim on their backs with clothes on. They spend a week at the pool learning to swim to safety in the event of a water accident. All six elementary schools bring students to the pool for hour-long swim & safety lessons originally developed by past Aquatic Manager, Ron Kam. For some students, it's a first exposure to water. For others, it's a chance to practice skills and enjoy the pool. The program is conducted by School District and Aquatic Center staff.